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Seham Ragab
Manal A. Safan
Eman A. Badr


Thalassemia Syndromes, Haptoglobin, sTfR, HCV


Background  :Serum haptoglobin (Hp) is a reliable marker for hemolysis regardless the inflammatory state.  Objective: We investigated the possible relation between Hp depletion and hemolysis severity, hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and iron load in ?-thalassemia children. Methods: Twenty  two ?-thalassemia major (TM) ,20 ?-thalassemia  intermedia (TI) children with 20 age and sex matched healthy controls were involved. Pre-transfusion hemoglobin level was considered . Serum ferritin , Hp  and transferrin receptor  levels (sTfR)  (by ELISA ) , alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and  aspartate aminotransferase (AST)  (by colorimetric method) were assayed. Markers of hepatitis C virus  (HCV)  were done by PCR. Results:  The mean Hp levels among the studied groups were as follows; 8.02 ± 0.93 (mg/dl) , 8.6 ±0.72 (mg/dl)  and 122  ± 18.5(mg/dl)   for TM ,TI and the controls respectively . Both patient groups had significantly lower Hp level compared to the controls (P<0.0001)  with significant lower level in TM compared to TI  children ( P= 0.034)  .Significant inverse correlations were  found between serum Hp and sTfR levels in thalassemia children combined and in each group (TM and TI) as well as among HCV infected children. STfR   was the only significant independent predictor for  serum Hp level (t= -5.585 , P<0.0001) . Among  HCV infected patients , no significant correlation was found between serum Hp and serum transaminases  .Conclusion:  Serum Hp depletion in thalassemia had significant relation to disease severity and correlated   well with their erythropoietic activity, as assessed by the measurement of  sTfR without significant relation  HCV infection . Large sample  multicenter studies are  recommended.




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