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adolescents, tuberculosis, Lost to follow-up, prevention
OBJECTIVE: To identify the pattern of the clinical, radiological, diagnostic procedures and loss to follow -up of the diagnosed cases of active tuberculosis (TB) adolescents.
METHODS: This study was a retrospective analysis of the medical records of 143 adolescents aged 10 to 18 years with tuberculosis who were admitted TB wards of National Research Institute of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (NRITLD) in Tehran, Iran, between March 2006 and March2011.
RESULTS: Of the 143 patients identified, 62.9% were females. Median age of the patients was 16 years. The contact source was identified in 47.5%.The most common presenting symptom was cough (86%).Isolated pulmonary TB (PTB) was detected in 113 patients (79%), 21 patients (14.7%) had extrapulmonary TB(EPTB), and 9 patients (6.3%) had PTB and EP TB .The most common site of EPTB was pleural (14%) .The most common radiographic finding was infiltration (61%).Positive acid fast smears were seen in 67.8%.Positive cultures for Mycobacterium tuberculosis(M. TB) were seen in 31.6%. Positive PCR results were seen in 60%.The adolescents aged 15 to 18 years were more likely to lose weight (p=0.001), smear positive (p=0.002)and have positive PCR results (p=0.009). The type of TB (p=0.017) was a significant factor influencing loss to follow-up.
CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents with the high rate of positive sputum smear results and the high treatment default rate are more likely to increase risk for TB transmission to the community. The TB control programs should pay more attention to prevention and treatment of TB in adolescents.
Key words: adolescents, tuberculosis, Lost to follow-up, prevention
Abstract 3606
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