Coexisting Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Mucormycosis in a Patient with Aplastic Anemia Post Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantion

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Sanjeev Kumar Sharma
Narendra Agrawal
Anjan Mukherjee
Tulika Seth
Pravas Mishra
Immaculata Xess
Manoranjan Mahapatra
Sanjay Sharma


Allogenic stem cell transplant, Tuberculosis, Mucormycosis



Patients post allogenic stem cell trasplantation are at increased risk of infection owing to immunocompromised state. Other than bacterial and viral infections, patients are at increased risk of fungal and mycobacterial infections. Infection with mucormycosis is rare but dreaded infection and requires aggressive management. Tubercular infection can also complicate post transplant period and risk of infection is high in endemic countries. We report a case of aplastic anemia who following allogenic stem cell transplantation developed combined infection with both tuberculosis and mucormycosis. Isolated infections by tuberculosis and mucormycosis have been reported in transplant recipients but simultaneous infection with both mucormycosis and tuberculosis in transplant recipient has not yet been reported. Anti-tubercular drugs cause interaction with immunosuppressive and anti-fungal drugs and management of such patients is a therapeutic challenge, paticularly in areas where tuberculosis is endemic.


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