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Hemophilia; Aging; Comorbidity; Drugs Interaction.
In high-income countries persons with severe hemophilia (PWH) A and B are aging, like their age-matched peers without hemophilia from the general population. Aging is associated not only with the comorbidities stemming from their inherited bleeding disorder (arthropathy, chronic viral infections such as hepatitis and AIDS) but also with the multiple chronic ailments associated with aging (cancer, cardiovascular disease, COPD). Multimorbidity is inevitably associated with polypharmacy, i.e., the chronic daily intake of at least five drugs, and with the related risk of severe adverse events associated with the use of inappropriate drugs and drug-drug interactions. Information on the pattern of drug prescription and usage by PWH is relatively scanty, but on the whole, the available data indicate that the rate of polypharmacy, as well as the risk of drug-drug interaction, is relatively low in PWH and better than that in their age peers without hemophilia followed by general practitioners. It is believed that this advantage results from the collaborative coordination on drug prescribing exerted, through their integration with practitioners and organ specialists, by specialized hemophilia treatment centers in the frame of comprehensive care programs. However, the available cross-sectional data were mainly obtained in relatively young PWH, so that there is a need to obtain more accurate data from the ongoing prospective studies that are being carried out in more and more progressively aging PWH.
Keywords: Hemophilia; Aging; Comorbidity; Drugs Interaction.
Abstract 1221
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