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Hassan Mansouritorghabeh
Abdollah Banihashem
Alireza Modaresi
Lida Manavifar


Circumcision, haemophilia A, haemophilia B, von Willebrand disease, rare bleeding disorders, bleeding.


Introduction: Male circumcision practice is an invasive procedure that is using worldwide. It makes challenges to haemostatic system and its possible haemorrhagic side effects are more serious in bleeding individuals than normal subjects. In most cases, it can be complete controlled using infusion of appropriate amount of coagulation factors before and post circumcision.

Aim: We aim to documentation type of coagulation therapy and post circumcision practice haemorrhagic presentation among 463 bleeder males of both common and rare bleeding disorders in north eastern part of country.

Methods: We retrospectively gathered information using evaluation medical records in 3 major hospitals during last 15 years and list of patients with bleeding disorders that obtained from haemophilia center. Also a call phone established for each bleeder person to complete data and updating of them. The survey took time from Sep 2009- Mar 2011. The designed question form included data on doing circumcision or not? types of treatment before and post the procedure and occurrence of bleeding episodes after the surgery.

Results: Overall among 424 cases with various common and rare bleeding disorders who had circumcised, 239 cases (56.3%) had passed the procedure with bleeding experience, while 185 cases (43.7%) had passed it successfully and without noticeable bleeding experience. The types of coagulation therapy in each group have been cited.

Conclusion: The circumcision practice in unequipped medical center for bleeder ones may make challenges for them and medical services. Also it needed supervision of expert haematologist for adjusting treatment to ensure control of unwanted bleeding.



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