Epidemiological surveillance of SARSCov2 in β-Thalassemia Patients in the last two years: reinfection rate, insights and future challenges

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Lorenza Torti
Francesco Sorrentino
Laura Maffei
Paolo De Fabritiis
Elisabetta Abruzzese


SARSCov2, reinfection, immune responses, thalassemia, Monoclonal antibodies


Background: Although the association between comorbidities and the severity of COVID-19 infection has been extensively discussed, data on COVID-19 and hemoglobinopathies are still limited. SARS-Cov2 reinfections with severe acute respiratory syndrome have been described in the general population, usually with a milder outcome compared to the primary infection.

The aim of our study was to determine the rate of reinfection and clinical features in a population of β-thalassemia patients.

Results: Following the first infection, patients showed an adequate humoral immune response, however, all four patients are considered immune impaired owing to chronic transfusional support coupled with iron chelating treatment and splenectomy in three of the four.



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