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Paola Zanotti
Claudia Chirico
Maurizio Gulletta
Laura Ardighieri
Salvatore Casari
Eugenia Quiros Roldan
Ilaria Izzo
Gabriele Pinsi
Giovanni Lorenzin
Fabio Facchetti
Francesco Castelli
Emanuele Focà


Disseminated histoplasmosis, HIV, AIDS, Histoplasma capsulatum


Progressive disseminated histoplasmosis (PDH) is an AIDS-defining illness with a high lethality rate if not promptly treated. The wide range of its possible clinical manifestations represents the main barrier to diagnosis in non-endemic countries. Here we present a case of PDH with haemophagocytic syndrome in a newly diagnosed HIV patient and a comprehensive review of disseminated histoplasmosis focused on epidemiology, clinical features, diagnostic tools and treatment options in HIV-infected patients. 


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