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Hypereosinophilia, Hypereosinophilic syndromes, Flow cytometry, fluorescent in situ hybridization, FIP1L1-PDGFRA, clonal hypereosinophilia, Imatinib responsive hypereosinophilia, lymphocytic variant of hypereosinophilia
Objective: To determine the frequency, etiological spectrum and treatment outcome of hypereosinophilia (HE) and hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) in a tropical setting.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of hospital data of five years and a comprehensive prospective evaluation of patients presenting with HE/HES over a period of 33 months was performed.
Results: HE/HES was diagnosed in total of 125 patients during study period with an estimated prevalence of 0.5-1 case per one lakh population in our hospital settings. Infections, especially helminthes were the commonest cause (34%) followed by primary/clonal HE/HES (24%) and reactive HE/HES secondary to various clonal disorders (14.3%). Lymphocytic variant of HES and FIP1L1-PDGFRA positive HES were diagnosed in 3.6% each. Imatinib responsive BCR-ABL1 negative HE/HES constitute 7.1% in our patients.
Conclusions: None of the clinical or routine laboratory features including the age of patients, duration of HE, presence or absence of organomegaly, hemoglobin levels, eosinophil %, absolute eosinophil count, total leukocyte count, platelet counts, serum IgE levels or presence of myelofibrosis can be used to predict or exclude malignancy in patients with HE/HES. The absence of blasts in peripheral blood or the absence of >5% blasts in bone marrow does not exclude primary/clonal HES. Clonal disorders (Primary HES and reactive HES secondary to clonal disorders; 38%) are diagnosed with nearly equal frequency compared to infections (34%) in tropical settings necessitating a thorough follow-up and comprehensive work-up in these patients.
Abstract 1409
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