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Giuseppe Leone
Livio Pagano


Myelodysplastic Syndrome, Infections, Azacitidine, Decitabine, Chemotherapy


Infections remain a significant problem in myelodysplastic syndromes in treated as well in non-treated patients and assume a particular complexity. The susceptibility to infections is due, in the absence of intensive chemotherapies, mainly to functional defects in the myeloid lineage with or without neutropenia. Furthermore, MDS include a heterogeneous group of patients with very different prognosis, different therapy and various risk factors regarding survival and infections. You should distinguish risk factors related to the disease, like as neutrophils function impairment, neutropenia, unfavorable cytogenetics and bone marrow insufficiency; factors related to the patient, like as age and comorbidities, and factors related to the therapy. When the patients with MDS are submitted to intensive chemotherapy with and without HSCT, they have a risk factor for infection very similar to that of patients with AML, and mostly related to neutropenia. Patients with MDS treated with supportive therapy only or with demethylating agent or lenalidomide or immunosuppressive drugs should have a tailored approach. Most of the infections in MDS originate from bacteria, and the major risk factors are represented by neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and unfavorable cytogenetics. Thus it is reasonable to give antibacterial prophylaxis in patients who start the therapy with demethylating agents with a number of neutrophils <500, or with thrombocytopenia and unfavorable cytogenetics. The antifungal prophylaxis is not considered cost/benefit adequate and should be taken into consideration only when there is an antecedent fungal infection or presence of filamentous fungi in the surveillance cultures. Subjects submitted to immunosuppression with ATG+CSA have a high number of infections, and when severely neutropenic should ideally be nursed in isolation, should be given prophylactic antibiotics and antifungals, regular mouth care including an antiseptic mouthwash. 



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