Poor hematopoietic stem cell mobilizers in multiple
myeloma: A single institution experience.
Guillermo J. Ruiz-Delgado,1,2,3 Avril López-Otero,1,3
Ana Hernandez-Arizpe,1,3 Aura Ramirez-Medina1 and Guillermo
J. Ruiz-Argüelles.1,2,3
1 Centro de Hematología y Medicina Interna de
Puebla. Puebla, MEXICO.
2 Laboratorios Clínicos de Puebla. Puebla, MEXICO.
3 Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
Correspondence to: Guillermo J.
Ruiz-Delgado MD, Centro de Hematología y Medicina, Interna de Puebla,
8B Sur 3710, 72530 Puebla, Pue. Mexico. Teléfono: + 52 (222) 243 8100,
Telefax: + 52 (222) 243 8428. E-mail: gruiz2@clinicaruiz.com
Published: Jume 21, 2010
Received: May 31, 2010
Accepted: June 19, 2010
Medit J Hemat Infect Dis 2010, 2(2): e2010016, DOI
This article is available from: http://www.mjhid.org/article/view/6020
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distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),
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a single institution, in a group of 28 myeloma patients deemed eligible
for autologous transplant, stem cell mobilization was attempted using
filgrastim: 26 individuals were given 31 autografts employing 1-4
(median three) apheresis sessions, to obtain a target stem cell dose of
1 x 106 CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg of the recipient. The median number
of grafted CD34 cells was 7.56 x 106 / Kg of the recipient; the
range being 0.92 to 14.8. By defining as poor mobilizers
individuals in which a cell collection of < 1 x 106 CD34 viable
cells / Kg was obtained, a subset of eight poor mobilizers was
identified; in two patients the autograft was aborted because of an
extremely poor CD34 +ve cell yield (< 0.2 x 106 CD34 +ve viable
cells / Kg of the recipient) after four apheresis sessions. The
long-term overall survival of the patients grafted with > 1 x 106
CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg was better (80% at 80 months) than those
grafted with < 1 x 106 CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg (67% at 76
months). Methods to improve stem cell mobilization are needed and may
result in obtaining better results when autografting multiple myeloma
chemotherapy followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (SCT) is
considered standard of care for patients with multiple myeloma (MM).[ 1,2]
In this setting, autologous peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) have
largely replaced autologous bone marrow as the source of stem cells.
Advantages of autologous PBSC grafts over bone marrow grafts include
faster engrafment after high-dose chemotherapy, reduced contamination
with tumor cells3 and lower morbidity and mortality.[ 3-5]
Hematopoietic stem cell mobilization is generally accomplished by
administration of hematopoietic growth factors like granulocyte
colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)[ 1-5] or a
combination of myelosuppressive chemotherapy and hematopoietic growth
factors. A number of factors have been reported to impact progenitor
cell mobilization but the predictive factors vary from one study to the
The purpose of this study is to analyze the prevalence of poor
mobilization in individuals with MM, prospectively studied and grafted
in a single institution using the same autografting procedure.
Patients and Methods:
- Patients: Patients
with MM diagnosed and autografted at the Centro de Hematología y
Medicina Interna de Puebla, a part of the Clínica RUIZ, in Puebla,
México between August 1993 to September 2008 were prospectively
included in the study. The diagnosis of MM was based on the following
findings:[1-2,4] a) Increased numbers
(more than 30%) of abnormal, atypical or immature plasma cells in the
bone marrow or histologic proof of plasmacytoma; b) presence of an
M-protein in the serum or urine; or c) Bone lesions consistent with
those of multiple myeloma. Individuals with plasma cell reactions to
connective tissue disorders, liver disease, metastatic carcinoma or
chronic infections were not included, nor patients with monoclonal
gammopathy of undetermined significance,[3] smoldering
multiple myeloma, solitary plasmacytoma or plasma cell leukemia.
Individuals with primary amyloidosis (AL) were included only if
features of MM predominated.[6,7] All patients were
autografted in the Centro de Hematología y Medicina Interna de Puebla,
México, and had received a median of 4 (range 1-7) prior chemotherapy
regimens (Table 1). Normal
renal and liver function tests were needed for inclusion as well as
informed consent approved before any procedure.
- PBSC mobilization and
The PBSC mobilization schedule was started at least 30 days after the
last dose of chemotherapy. Subcutaneous G-CSF (10 ug / Kg / day / 5
days) was given for mobilization of stem cells, starting day - 7. Using
either a peripheral vein or a Majurkar-type subclavian catheter, the
apheresis procedures were performed on days – 4 – 3, – 2 and – 1, using
a Haemonetics V-50 PLUS machine (Haemonetics Corporation, Braintree MA)
or a Baxter C-3000 PLUS machine (Baxter Healthcare, Deerfield IL), and
the Spin-Nebraska protocol.8 The endpoint of collection was the
processing of 5000 - 7000 ml of blood / m2 in each of the
apheresis procedures, in order to obtain at least 3 x 108
mononuclear cells and / or 1 x 106 viable CD34 cells / Kg of
the recipient’s weight.[1,3-5]
- Conditioning and
autografting: Intravenous melphalan, 200 mg/m2
in a single I.V. dose was used on day – 1 in all patients.
Ondansetron (8 mg i.v. every 12 h after chemotherapy), ciprofloxacin
(250 mg. bid) and fluconazole (200 mg bid) were used in all patients.
G-CSF (10 ug / Kg / day / 5 days) was re-started on day +5 and
used until granulocytes were greater than 0.5 x 109/L.
Antibiotics and antimycotics were used until granulocytes were above
0.5 x 109/L. All patients had daily laboratory workup and clinical
- Apheresis product
preservation, studies and infusion: The products of the
apheresis and 1 ml aliquots were kept in ACD-A (Baxter Healthcare,
Deerfield IL) at 4oC,
in 300 ml transfer packs (Baxter Healthcare, Deerfield IL) composed of
gas impermeable, polyvinyl chloride plastic film for up to 96 hours.
Enumeration of the total white mononuclear cells (MNC) and CD34 +ve
cells was done by flow-cytometry9 in an EPICS Elite ESP apparatus
(Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, FL), using for the latter subpopulation
the anti-CD34 monoclonal antibody HPCA-2 (Becton Dickinson, San José
CA), gating in propidium iodide-excluding CD45(+) MNC population
according to forward and 90° angle light scattering. Additional
viability studies of the MNC prior to its re-infusion used propidium
iodide exclusion and anti-cell antibodies on a flow cytometer. No
purging procedures were performed. The apheresis products obtained on
days – 4, – 3, – 2 and – 1 were reinfused to the patients on days
0, +1, +2 and +3 respectively after keeping them in the conventional
blood bank refrigerator at 4 degress centigrade.[3,4]
- Criteria for assesment of
the mobilization procedures: One to four apheresis sessions
were performed to obtain a target stem cell dose of 1 x 106
CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg of the recipient. Cases in which less than
this amount of CD34 +ve progenitor cells were obtained after four
apheresis sessions were classified as “poor” mobilizers.
- Response assessment:
Very good partial response (VGPR) was defined as a decrease of 90% in
the serum paraprotein level. Partial remission (PR) as a decrease of
50% in the serum paraprotein level, and minimal response (MR) as a
decrease of 25% in the serum paraprotein level.[1]
- Patients: All
patients with multiple myeloma less than 70 years are offered an
autograft in our institution; 28 consecutive patients were deemed
eligible for autologous transplant and attempted stem cell
mobilization; there were 13 females and 15 males. Since our
autografting procedure does not involve hematopoietic stem cell
freezing,[1,4-5] the procedure was
aborted if less than 0.5 x 106
CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg of the recipient were collected;
accordingly, the autograft was aborted in two patients because of a
very poor CD34 +ve cell yield (less than 0.2 x 106 CD34 +ve
viable cells / Kg of the recipient) after four apheresis sessions; one
patient had developed an acute myelogenous leukemia after being treated
with oral melphalan during 51 months and failed to mobilize after
entering a complete remission of the leukemia; he was later on given an
allogeneic graft with umbilical cord cells and remains disease-free 75
months after attempting the autograft.[10] The other
patient had received an autologous graft using intravenous melphalan 51
months before attempting the second autograft; after failing
mobilization with G-CSF he was later on mobilized with G-CSF plus
plerixafor and subsequently re-autografted succesfully.[11]
In the group of 26 patients who were autografted, the median age was 54
years (range 42 to 66). The type of paraprotein was IgG in 16 cases,
IgA in 6 cases, light chain disease in 2 cases (both kappa). According
to the International Staging System (ISS),[12] 21
patients were in stage I, 3 in stage II and 2 in stage III.
All patients had been treated before the autograft: Six with
thalidomide / dexametasone (thal/dex), 11 with bortezomib-containing
regimens, 9 with vincristine / adriamycin / dexamethasone (VAD) and 5
with other schedules. No patient had received radiation therapy as part
of the previous treatment and in all cases the autologous graft was
performed as part of the initial therapy.
- PBSC mobilization and
apheresis: A median of three apheresis sessions were needed to
collect a minimum of 1 x 106 CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg of
the recipient;[1]
the range was 2 to 4 sessions to obtain enough CD34 +ve cells.
Circulating CD34 +ve cells were not enumerated prior to the
apheresis procedures.
- Conditioning and
autografting: All patients were conditioned with a single dose
of intravenous melphalan, 200 mg/ m2. In cases in which less
than 1 x 106 CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg of the recipient,
defined as poor mobilizers, the dose of melphalan was adjusted to 180
mg/m2 (90% of the planned dose).
- Apheresis product
studies: The median number of transplanted CD34 +ve viable cell
was 7.56 x 106
CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg of the recipient; the range was 0.92 to
14.8. In all cases the viability of the CD34 cells was above 85% prior
to being reinfused to the patients.
- Assesment of the
mobilization procedures: One to four (median three) apheresis
sessions were performed to obtain a target stem cell dose of 1 x 106
CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg of the recipient. In six cases, less than 1
x 106 CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg of the recipient were
obtained, in 16 cases 1 to 2 x 106 CD34 +ve viable cells /
Kg of the recipient, whereas in 9 cases more than 2 x 106
CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg of the recipient.
- Engraftment and response:
In the whole group of patients, the time to achieve more than 0.5 x 109/L
granulocytes had a median of 27 days (range 0 to 53), whereas the time
to recover more than 20 x 109/L
platelets had a median of 37 days (range 0 to 73). Of the 26 patients
autografted, 19 achieved a complete remission, 6 a very good partial
remission, 5 a partial remission and one a minor response. The 100-day
mortality was 9.6% (3 of 31 transplants); Two patients died at day +9
and +11 as a result of sepsis during granulocytopenia and one died at
day +100 due to a myocardial infarction; they had received 2.5, 1.5 and
3.4 x 106 CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg, respectively. The
overall median post-transplant survival (OS) has not been reached,
being above 80 months, whereas the 80-month OS is 77%. Relapses
presented in 11/31 autografts, a median of 34 months after the
procedure; five patients were rescued with a second autograft and two
were given an allogeneic grafts. The autograft procedure was started in
an outpatient basis in all instances, however four patients where
admitted to the hospital as a result of: amebic colitis, Pseudomona
aeruginosa sepsis, cerebrovascular episode and soft-tissue abscess, one
case each. In the whole group of 31 autografts, a subset of six poor
mobilizers was identified. The table 1
shows the salient data of these six poor mobilizers compared with those
of the 25 autografts in which a better mobilization was obtained. It is
interesting that the long-term overall survival of the multiple myeloma
patients allografted with more than 1 x 106 CD34 +ve viable
cells / Kg was better (80% at 80 months) than those autografted with
less than 1 x 106
CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg (67% at 76 months); the differences however
are not statistically significant according to the log-rank chi square
method most likely as a result of the low number of patients included
in the study, see table 1 and
figure 1.
There were not significant differences in time to recover granulocytes
and platelets between patients receiving more or less than 1 x 106
CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg.
A number of factors have been reported to impact stem cell
mobilization. These include patient age, weight, diagnosis, type and
number of prior chemotherapeutic regimens administered, bone marrow
involvement with the malignancy at baseline, extent of cell recovery
from previous chemotherapy at the time of starting mobilization
treatment, prior radiation therapy, time from diagnosis to harvest, and
disease status.[ 13-15] Other factors include type of
cytokine used and type and dose of chemotherapy regimen, if any, for
mobilization.[ 13-15]
The number of CD34 +ve hematopoietic stem cells required to
successfully conduct an autograft has not been clearly defined. Some
authors have described that a minimum of 2 x 10 6 CD34 +ve
viable cells / Kg of the recipient is required to rescue the
hematopoiesis of the patient [ 13]. We have shown that
a minimum of 1 x 10 6
CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg of the recipient may be useful to
successfully autograft patients with multiple myeloma1 or other
diseases.[ 3-4] This apparent discrepancy may stem from
several factors, one of them being the enumeration methods: we have
also shown previously that a considerable variation might be due to the
selection of antibodies, staining protocols, and acquisition strategies
for the flow cytometric enumeration of these cells which may account
even for two-fold differences;[ 16] both
inter-instrument and inter-protocol variation provide explanation for
the redundantly reported discrepancies concerning the numbers of CD34
cells that suffice to secure hematopoietic grafting and to define poor
mobilizers.[ 16] Accordingly, the exact incidence of
poor mobilizers in the setting of autologous grafting is unknown and
has varied in the literature between 5 to 40% in different subsets of
patients.[ 13] Using a lower threshold, we have found
a prevalence of 24% (8 of 33 autografts) of poor mobilizers, which only
in two cases led into aborting the autografting procedure. With the
limitations of a small study, we found that certain features of the
patients and/or disease were associated with a defective mobilization:
Previous treatment with oral melphalan, previous autograft with
intravenous melphalan and previous treatment with bortezomib. The low
number of patients included in each subset of treatments makes hard to
know of prior exposure to certain drugs per se interfered with
mobilization, or whether patients exposed to some agents had other
features that would compromise mobilization. On the other hand, it
should be mentioned that some patients who had been treated previously
with oral melphalan could be successfully autografted; accordingly, we
believe that attempts of autografting should be tried even in patients
previously treated with oral melphalan.
In order to improve the mobilization techniques for stem cell
autografting, several approaches have been tried. The mobilization
seems to be better if both chemotherapy and growth factors are
employed.[ 17] Recently, Dugan et al. showed that
plerixafor can safely be added to chemotherapy-based mobilization
regimens and may accelerate the rate of increase in CD34 +ve cells on
the second day of apheresis[ 18] whereas Di Persio et
al. have shown similar results in patients with multiple myeloma.[ 19]
Further studies are warranted to evaluate the effect of this drug in
combination with chemomobilization on stem cell mobilization and
collection on the first and subsequent days of apheresis, and its
impact on resource utilization and results improvement.[ 19,20]
Since there are data suggesting that failure of mobilization in myeloma
patients results in increased expenses and increased use of resources,[ 21] methods to predict the failure to mobilize have
been suggested.[ 22]
Studies to analyze the balance of the costs of improved mobilization
methods and the costs of failing to mobilize patients with myeloma who
are to be autografted are mandatory to further explore this field,
specially in developing countries, where autografting patients with
multiple myeloma is still a cheaper therapeutic option than the use of
the novel anty-myeloma drugs.[ 23]
In summary, we have found that in patients with multiple myeloma, using
a threshold of 1 x 10 6
CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg of the recipient has allowed us to define a
suboptimal mobilization which presents in one quarter of patients and
seems to be associated with previous treatment with oral melphalan,
previous autograft with intravenous melphalan and previous treatment
with bortezomib, and that the long term overall survival of the poor
mobilizers seems to be worse than that of individuals grafted with 1 x
10 6 CD34 +ve viable cells / Kg of the recipient. Efforts
directed to improve stem cell mobilization seem to be warranted and
could result in improving the results of autografting and the prognosis
of patients with multiple myeloma.[ 24]
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