Review Articles
and HHV-8 in Lymphoproliferative Disorders
C. Quadrelli, P. Barozzi, G.
Riva, D. Vallerini, E. Zanetti, L. Potenza, F. Forghieri and M.
of Hematology. Department of Oncology, Hematology and Respiratory
Diseases. Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena- Policlinico,
Modena, Italy.
Prof. Mario Luppi, Section of Hematology. Department of Oncology,
Hematology and Respiratory Diseases. Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria
di Modena- Policlinico, Via del Pozzo 71, 41124, Modena Italy. E-mail: mario.luppi@unimore.it
Published: October 24, 2011
Received: June 04, 2011
Accepted: September 20, 2011
Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2011, 3(1): e2011043, DOI 10.4084/MJHID.2011.043
This article is available from: http://www.mjhid.org/article/view/8348
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distributed under the terms of
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medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Similarly to Epstein-Barr virus
(EBV), the human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8)
is a γ-herpesvirus, recently recognized to be associated with the
occurrence of rare B cell lymphomas and atypical lymphoproliferations,
especially in the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected subjects.
Moreover, the human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6), a β-herpesvirus, has been
shown to be implicated in some non-malignant lymph node proliferations,
such as the Rosai Dorfman disease, and in a proportion of Hodgkin’s
lymphoma cases. HHV-6 has a wide cellular tropism and it might play a
role in the pathogenesis of a wide variety of human diseases, but given
its ubiquity, disease associations are difficult to prove and its role
in hematological malignancies is still controversial. The involvement
of another β-herpesvirus, the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), has not yet
been proven in human cancer, even though recent findings have suggested
its potential role in the development of CD4+ large granular lymphocyte
(LGL) lymphocytosis. Here, we review the current knowledge on the
pathogenetic role of HHV-8 and human β-herpesviruses in human
lymphoproliferative disorders.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a γ-herpesvirus well recognized to be
involved in the development of human B and NK/T cell lymphomas, either
in the general population or in the immunosuppressed individuals. EBV
is a lympho- and epitheliotropic γ-herpesvirus apparently carried as an
harmless passenger in the immunocompetent host. Alterations in the
delicate balance between the virus and the host immune control may
result in a wide range of EBV-associated diseases: the simplest
scenario is the outgrowth of EBV-transformed B-lymphoblasts, expressing
the full array of EBV latent gene (EBNA1, 2, 3A, 3B, 3C, LP, LMP1 and
LMP2) leading to the development of post-transplant lymphoproliferative
disease (PTLD) in immunodeficient subjects. EBV is also associated to
malignancies in immunocompetent hosts arising from either epithelial, T
cell or B cell origin in which is present with a limited pattern of
latency genes: latency II (expression of EBNA1, LMP2A) is typical of
Nasopharingeal Carcinoma, Gastric Carcinoma and Hodgkin’s Lymphoma;
latency I (expression of EBNA1) is associated to the Burkitt Lymphoma.[1]
In addition to EBV, another γ-herpesvirus, Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated
herpesvirus (KSHV or HHV-8) is oncogenic. Among β-herpesviruses,
several investigators have suggested that human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6)
also may be an oncogenic virus. Here, we review the current knowledge
on the pathogenetic role of human β-herpesviruses and HHV-8 in human
lymphoproliferative disorders.
HHV-6. Epidemiology and biology.
HHV-6 was first isolated in 1986 and later two viral variants have been
identified, namely HHV-6A and HHV-6B, showing an overall nucleotide
sequence identity of 90%. HHV-6 is ubiquitous in human throughout the
world, with seroconversion occurring early in life.[2,3]
Salivary contact is likely to be the vehicle for transmission, but
intrauterine passage is also possible. HHV-6 can be transmitted by
blood products and with bone marrow and solid organ transplantation.
Through its cellular receptor CD46, an ubiquitary complement regulatory
glycoprotein,[4] HHV-6 can primarily infect either
early self-renewing bone marrow precursors or mature blood cells, as
well as oropharinx/salivary glands, epithelial mucosa of female genital
tract and brain tissue. Following primary infection, HHV-6 can persist
lifelong mainly in monocytes and other peripheral blood mononuclear
cells.[3] Only rare cells remain latently infected in
healthy individuals, as shown by PCR testing. Of note, HHV6, unique
among all the herpesviruses, exhibits a particular form of persistence
in the infected cell, consisting in the integration of the whole viral
genome into host chromosomes. The prevalence of the ‘chromosomal
integration of HHV-6’ (CIHHV-6) ranges from 0.2% to 3% among different
geographical areas.[5,6] It has been observed that the
main route of acquisition of CIHHV-6 is the vertical transmission,
which implies that at least one copy of viral DNA is present in all the
nucleated cells of the host. The HHV-6 genome shows human telomere-like
repeat sequences at both its ends and this may foster the viral
integration in some preferred chromosomal regions (mainly 17p13.3,
22q13, 1q44), which are close to or within the telomeres.[7-10]
HHV-6 has been demonstrated to efficiently replicate in vitro and cause
a cytopathic effect either in CD4+ T lymphocytes or in thymocytes,
inducing a suppression of T-cell functions. Cells transfected with
HHV-6 can cause tumors in nude mice.[11] However, the
evidence linking HHV-6 to human hematological malignancies is
circumstantial, and far from definitive.[12] HHV-6
DNA can transform human epidermal keratinocytes and NIH 3T3 cells in
HHV-6 has a number of unique genes that are plausible causes of
oncogenesis. Its ORF-1 gene encodes a protein that is capable of
transforming NIH 3T3 cells in vitro, and cells expressing ORF-1 protein
produce fibrosarcomas when injected into nude mice.[15]
The ORF-1 protein appears to maintain the transformed state of tumor
cells by binding p53 and thereby inhibiting its tumor suppressor
properties.[16] HHV-6 also has a unique immediate
early gene called U95 that has binding sites for nuclear factor-kappa B
Dysregulation of NF-kB has been postulated to contribute to cancer,
through its effects on both the proliferative and apoptotic pathways.[18] (Table 1)
Table 1. Main
biological, epidemiological and hematologic features of human
β-herpesviruses and HHV-8 infections.
Hodgkin’s disease. Reports differ as to the possible role of
HHV-6 in Hodgkin’s disease (HD). Torelli et al.[ 19]
reported finding HHV-6 sequences by PCR in 3 of 25 cases of HD, all
nodular sclerosis type, and in none of 41 cases of non-Hodgkin’s
lymphoma. Krueger et al.[ 20] performed
immunohistochemical studies of tumors from 103 patients with HD, and
found tissue sections to be infected frequently by both EBV and HHV-6;
lymphocytes and histiocytes were infected preferentially. Lacroix et
al.[ 21] found HHV-6 DNA more frequently in the
nodular sclerosis form of HD: of 73 patients with nodular sclerosis, 39
(49%) had both HHV-6 and EBV DNA, 25 (34%) had only HHV-6, and 8 (11%)
had only EBV. In contrast, of 10 cases of the mixed cellularity form of
HD, 4 (40%) had both viruses, 1 had HHV-6 only, 4 had EBV only, and 1
had neither. HHV-6+/EBV- patients were younger than the EBV+/HHV-6-
patients and 92% of the HHV-6+ lymph nodes contained variant B.
However, Luppi et al.[ 22] examined a large series of
patients with HD in which HHV-6 DNA was found by both PCR and Southern
blot analysis, did not detect either latent or lytic HHV-6 antigens in
neoplastic cells, and detected only limited expression in
Reed–Sternberg cells. Thus, the role of HHV-6 in any form of HD remains
unclear. Recently, Lacroix et al.[ 23] showed the
transforming, transactivating and oncogenic properties of HHV-6B and
localized the transforming activity into DR7 gene. Cells expressing
viral DR7 protein revealed tumorigenic properties when injected into
nude mice. The expression of DR7B protein in Reed-Sternberg cells from
HD patients causes molecular alterations into the cells typical of the
lymphoproliferative disorder. In particular, the oncoprotein protects
infected cells from apoptosis by retaining human p53 within the
cytoplasm and by increasing NF-kB cellular transcription factor. The
action on NF-kB is mainly exerted through two mechanisms: the
transactivation of the expression of its subunities p65 and p50-p105
and the direct interaction of DR7B with the assembled protein. Lastly,
DR7B promotes the overexpression of Id2, inhibitor of E2A transcription
factor, that negatively regulates cell differentiation.[ 23]
Further studies are needed to confirm a plausible pathogenetic role of
HHV-6 infection in HD.
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas.
Luppi et al.[24]
reported a higher frequency of HHV-6 DNA in a well-characterized series
of patients with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL), a subtype
of T-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), compared with other lymphoma
subtypes and controls. These findings have been confirmed by Zhou et
al.[25] showing a clear association between
histological progression of AITL and the detectable copy number of both
EBV and HHV-6B in the AITL lesional tissue. While this increased viral
load could reflect a role for HHV-6 in the pathogenesis and progression
of AITL, it could also be the consequence of increasing dysfunction of
the immune system during lymphoma progression. Immunohistochemical
studies have so far failed to demonstrate HHV-6 antigens in the CD4+ T
cells (the likely proliferating elements) within AITL lesions.
Persistent IL-2-regulated HHV-6 infection of adult T-cell leukemia
cells causes T-cell leukemia to progress more rapidly,[26]
but in vivo studies have not yet confirmed a pathogenetic role for
HHV-6 in this disease. Few other studies aiming to investigate the
association of HHV-6 with acute leukemia have been reported. The
largest study showed significant higher titres of HHV-6 antibodies in
patients with acute myeloid leukemia, but not with acute lymphoblastic
leukemia.[27] Salonen et al.[28]
found that 40% of children with leukemia had IgM antibodies to HHV-6
compared to 7.7% of age- and sex-matched children with various
neurological diseases. However, molecular studies have so far failed to
show a higher rate of HHV-6 DNA in peripheral blasts from children with
acute lymphoblastic leukemia compared with healthy subjects.[29]
A recent report found higher rates of seropositivity to human
cytomegalovirus (HCMV) among patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic
leukemia than among healthy control subjects, although restricted only
to some geographical areas, but the same was not true for
seropositivity to HHV-6 (or EBV and HHV-7).[30] In
conclusion, with the possible exception of adult T-cell leukemia,
available data do not lend support to a role for HHV-6 in human acute
Non-malignant lymphatic
tissue proliferation.
Of interest, HHV-6 late antigens have so far been detected only in
non-malignant lymph node proliferations, namely in cases of reactive
lymphadenitis,[31,32] in which HHV-6 antigens appear
to be restricted to CD4+T cells. HHV-6 late antigens have also been
identified in cases of Rosai Dorfman disease, otherwise known as sinus
histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy, a benign chronic disease,
mainly affecting children and young adults and with no progression to
lymphoma. HHV-6 infection appears to be restricted to follicular
dendritic cells and, more significantly, to the abnormal histiocytes
that represent the proliferating elements and the hallmark of this
disease.[33] (Table 1)
Epidemiology and
HCMV was simultaneously isolated from salivary glands by Rowe and Smith
in 1956. This virus was designated ‘cytomegalovirus’ and the associated
clinical syndrome was referred to as ‘cytomegalovirus inclusion
disease’ because viral cytopathic effects typically result in cell
swelling and intranuclear inclusions.
HCMV infection is widespread in the entire human population, with
prevalence increasing with age. In Western Countries, seropositivity
rates range 40-70%, while in developing countries are much higher.[34]
Using PCR, CMV viremia has been detected in about 98% of healthy
individuals over 50 years of age. HCMV can be transmitted orally,
sexually, and parenterally; primary infection may be subclinical in
healthy subjects. Even asymptomatic carriers may at times shed HCMV in
urine and saliva.[35-36]
HCMV productive infection (lytic cycle) is restricted to endothelial
cells and fibroblasts, typically causing cell death and tissue damage
in lung, liver, colon, brain and retina. Similarly to other
herpesviruses, HCMV can establish lifelong latent infection in the
host, mainly in macrophages and hematopoietic stem cells/progenitors
(then passively transmitted to the mature myeloid progenies), and is a
recognized cause of mononucleosis-like syndromes.[36]
(Table 1)
Large granular
lymphocyte proliferation. In contrast to HHV-6, HCMV has not
been proven to be involved in human cancer. However,
Rodriguez-Caballero and colleagues[37]
suggested a role of HCMV in the pathogenesis of a specific subtype of
large granular lymphocyte (LGL) proliferation involving CD4+/CD8+/-dim
T cells. In particular, they used microarray gene expression profile
(GEP) to show that CD4+ T cells in patients with CD4+ LGL expansions,
differ significantly from HCMV-specific memory CD4+ lymphocytes derived
from healthy control individuals. The chronic antigenic stimulation of
T cells by HCMV can lead to persistent monoclonal expansion of
vβ13.1/CD4+ NKa+ CD8dim+ lymphocytes presenting a deregulation of genes
involved in cell cycle progression, resistance to apoptosis and genetic
instability. The observed deregulation of key genes allows these cells
to accumulate in excess to what is required to control HCMV infection
and to abnormally proliferate. (Table 1)
HHV-8. Epidemiology and biology.
Human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) was identified by Moore & Chang in
1994, from the Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS) tissues of patients with AIDS.
HHV-8 is not ubiquitous in the general population: the infectious rates
are low in the United Kingdom, United States and Asia, intermediate in
Mediterranean countries and high in Central Africa. The seroprevalence
of HHV-8 among blood donors ranges from 0.2% in Japan, to up to 10% in
the United States, and to more than 50% in Africa,[38]
with rates in Italy and other Mediterranean countries falling between
these percentages.[39,40]
HHV-8 is mainly spread by sexual route in non-endemic areas, while
non-sexual transmission may be important in endemic areas where
infection is usually acquired early in the childhood.
HHV-8 is classified as a γ-herpesvirus, related to EBV and Herpesvirus
Saimiri. Like other herpesviruses, HHV-8 is a large, double-stranded
DNA virus that replicates in the nucleus as a closer circular episome
during latency, but linearizes during virion packaging and replication.
The HHV-8 genome typically contains genes that are homologous to
cellular genes involved in the control of cell cycle and apoptosis.
Similarly to other herpesviruses, HHV-8 has evolved to persist within
the lymphoid system and has shown an oncogenic potential. HHV-8
infection has been described in association with rare
lymphoproliferative disorders, including primary effusion lymphoma
(PEL), multicentric Castleman’s disease (MCD), and MCD-associated
plasmablastic lymphoma, often occurring in AIDS patients. A subset of
viral proteins is expressed in HHV-8-associated lymphoproliferative
disorders and are involved in the viral lymphomagenesis. The viral
proteins expressed in most PEL cells are the following:
latency-associated nuclear antigen 1 (LANA -1), v-Cyclin, v-FLICE
inhibitory protein (v-FLIP), v-interferon regulatory factor/LANA-2,
Kaposin, v-Interleukein-6 (v-IL-6). LANA-1, v-Cyclin, v-FLIP and v-IL-6
are also expressed in most of the MCD cases. Two additional proteins,
namely the K1 and the v-G-protein-coupled receptor (v-GPCR) are
expressed in few cases of PEL and MCD.[41] (Table 1)
Primary Effusion
Lymphoma. PEL
has been included in the WHO classification as a distinct entity among
AIDS-associated NHLs, representing about 3-4% of all AIDS-NHLs.[42-44] The lymphoma grows predominantly in serous
effusions, without solid tumor masses in the affected body cavity,[45-47] while involvement of lymph nodes,[48]
bone marrow[49,50] or other tissues[51]
is occasionally seen. A number of continuous cell lines has been
established from such lymphomatous effusions and peripheral blood of
PEL patients.[52] The PEL cells can include features
of large cell immunoblastic and anaplastic lymphoma,[53]
and also sometimes express a more plasmacytoid cytology.[42]
PEL cells generally lack immunophenotypical expression of
differentiated B- or T- cell antigens, but for MUM1 and CD138,
reflecting their post-germinal centre B-cell origin. Consistent with
this, the gene expression profile analysis suggests a plasmablastic
derivation of PEL cells.[54,55] They express cell
activation associated markers, including HLA-DR, CD23, CD25, CD30 and
CD38, and the epithelial membrane antigen whereas adhesion markers are
variably expressed.[43,52] The B
cell lineage derivation of PEL cells is established on the basis of
clonal rearrangements of the heavy immunoglobulin (Ig) genes,[45,52]
and the PCR-based findings of a preferential expression of certain
lambda light chain genes in AIDS-related PELs, suggesting clonal
proliferation by an antigen selection process.[56] A
few cases of AIDS-related PEL did not demonstrate Ig gene
rearrangements, consistent with a polyclonal pattern of
lymphoproliferation.[47] In contrast to other non
Hodgkin’s B-cell lymphoma types, neither c-MYC nor other proto-oncogene
rearrangements were detected in PELs.[54] Likewise, a
wild type of the tumor suppressor p53 gene is expressed by PELs, while
mutations of the BCL-6 5’ non-coding regions have been documented in
most of the cases.[52] PELs show complex karyotypes,
the most frequent chromosomal abnormalities being trisomy 7, 12 and
aberrations of chromosomal bands 1q21-q25.52 Virtually all reported
cases of PEL have a relatively high number of HHV-8 DNA copies (40-150)
per cell, most cells being latently infected and relatively few
permissive for lytic infection as obtained in cultured PEL lines.
Analysis of HHV-8 terminal repeats (TR) by pulsed-field gel
electrophoresis has shown monoclonal or oligoclonal fused TR fragments
in all examined cases of PEL, suggesting HHV-8 infection of clonogenic
cells, supporting an etiologic role of the virus in these
lymphoproliferations.[57] EBV co-infection is
detected in many cases of PEL, also with a monoclonal infection pattern
and with a restricted antigen expression pattern of latency. Human
interleukin-6 (IL-6) and -10 (IL-10), v-IL-6 and vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF) are the major growth factors released and used by
PEL cells for autocrine growth stimulation.[52,58-60]
The occurrence of PEL in a non-AIDS setting appears to be very rare and
has been reported in very few cases of solid organ transplant patients,[50,61,62] and a few cases have also
been described in HIV negative elderly men, most of them originating
from HHV-8 endemic areas.[63,64]
The clinical outcome of AIDS-related and post-transplant PEL is very
poor, with a median survival from 2 to 6 months, despite chemotherapy.[50,52,57]
Decreasing CD4+ cell counts seem to be the most important indicator of
progression of AIDS-related PEL.65 In HIV negative patients, PEL may
have a more indolent clinical course without specific therapy and may
initially respond to drainage procedures.[63]
Recently, it has been reported that azidothymidine and interferon-g induce apoptosis in PEL cells
either in vitro or in vivo,[66,67] and PEL remission
was observed in a patient on anti-retroviral therapy.[68]
We have demonstrated that cidofovir at high doses induces in vitro
apoptosis in PEL cell lines and PEL remission in four HIV negative,
elderly Italian men treated with intrapleural/intraperitoneal
injections of cidofovir, who had recurrent effusions not responding
either to pleural/peritoneal drainages or to chemotherapy.[69,70]
Recent in vitro data have shown that glycyrrhizic acid, contained in
the licorice root, induces apoptosis of PEL cells, by down-regulating
the synthesis of the HHV-8 LANA-1.[71] Other
approaches have recently been considered for the treatment of PEL,
based on the targeting of viral gene products,[72,73]
providing the basis for new therapeutic options for PEL patients who
are generally poor candidates for aggressive chemotherapy.
Castleman’s Disease (MCD) and MCD-associated plasmablastic lymphoma. MCD
of plasma cell type is an atypical lymphoproliferative disorder, which
is histologically characterized by abundance and prominent alterations
of the germinal centers, marked plasmacytic infiltration, and vascular
hyperplasia.[74] Two types of malignancies, lymphoma
and KS, have been reported to occur during the course of MCD in 18% and
13% of cases respectively.[74] HHV-8 DNA sequences
have been detected in most of MCD cases occurring in HIV positive
patients, but only in few HIV negative cases.[75-78]
HHV-8 infection is also found in most MCD patients with associated
POEMS (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M protein, skin
changes) syndrome.[79] One case of HHV-8 positive MCD
has also been reported in a renal transplant patient with KS.[80]
HHV-8 positive MCD cells, expressing LANA-1, morphologically resemble
plasmablasts and are localized in the mantle zone of the follicles.[81] These plasmablasts show g
light-chain restriction and coalesce to form microscopic lymphomas in
some MCD cases, which could herald the development of frank HHV-8
positive plasmablastic lymphoma.[82-84] A role in the
pathogenesis of MCD for an over-expression of IL-6, a cytokine which
promotes B cell survival and proliferation, has been proposed.[74] The expression of v-IL-6 in a proportion of HHV-8
infected MCD cells[85-88]
thus appears to support such a pathogenic mechanism. This is consistent
with findings that exacerbations of systemic symptoms in MCD correlate
with an increase in HHV-8 viral load together with IL-6 and IL-10,
which thus represent markers of disease activity.[89,90]
Recent studies suggest that HHV-8 positive MCD cases have a more
aggressive clinical course and a poorer prognosis.[82]
With regard to therapy, single agent chemotherapy with vinblastine is
the most effective therapeutic option and may prolong survival.[91] A patient with MCD has successfully been treated
with retinoic acid and prednisone.[92]
Ganciclovir has also been effective in attenuating the constitutional
symptoms in some cases of HIV-associated HHV-8 positive MCD cases.[93]
Recently, treatment of MCD with humanized anti-IL-6 receptor antibody
has been reported to be safe and to alleviate chronic inflammatory
symptoms and wasting in a series of 28 patients, followed-up for 60
Other diseases.
The pathogenetic association between HHV-8 infection and the
development of multiple myeloma, proposed by Rettig and colleagues,[95] has not been confirmed.[96-98]
HHV-8 infection is certainly rare in lymphoproliferative diseases other
than PEL or MCD, both in HIV positive and HIV negative subjects.
Moreover, the occurrence of HHV-8 positive solid lymphomas, usually
extranodal and extracavitary, but with pathobiological features
mimicking those of PEL, has been described in AIDS as well as in HIV
negative patients.[99] HHV-8 infection was documented
in association with hepatitis C virus infection in one case of plasma
cell leukemia,[100]
and three HIV negative cases of a germinotropic lymphoproliferative
disorder characterized by plasmablasts coinfected by HHV-8 and EBV have
also been described.[101] HHV-8 DNA and LANA-1
antigens have been detected in liver, lung and bone marrow tissues from
patients affected with common variable immunodeficiency and
granulomatous/lymphocytic interstitial lung disease, suggesting a
pathogenetic viral role in this disorder.[102] HHV-8
DNA was also found in a single case of primary cerebral lymphoma, in a
woman who had received long-term steroid therapy for uveitis,
suggesting that HHV-8 infection may be occasionally involved in a
lymphoproliferation process associated with iatrogenic
immunesuppression.[103] Consistent with this, the
occurrence of an EBV negative, HHV-8 positive, monoclonal,
lymphoproliferative disease of polymorphic type has recently been
reported in a HHV-8 seronegative Jewish man, nine months after
receiving a kidney from his HHV-8 seropositive father.[104]
Non malignant plasmacytic proliferations have also been reported in two
solid organ transplant patients[105] as well as in a
few Italian cases of HIV negative angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy.[106]
Interestingly, a few cases of benign lymphadenopathy with germinal
center hyperplasia and increased vascularity in which HHV-8 DNA
sequences were detected, have been reported in HIV negative[75,106] and HIV positive[106,107]
young adults. The only one case of well documented HHV-8 primary
infection in HIV positive subjects has been reported to be associated
with the development of fever, splenomegaly and a cervical
lymphadenopathy, characterized by angiolymphoid hyperplasia.[108]
Thus, the above mentioned histologic features of florid follicular
hyperplasia and increased vascularity, which are observed also in MCD,
are likely to represent the distinct histologic pattern of lymphoid
response induced by HHV-8. Interestingly, a lymphoproliferative disease
characterized by persistent angiofollicular lymphadenopathy is induced
in simian immunodeficiency-virus infected Rhesus Macaques, following
infection with the simian homologue of HHV-8.[109]
It is also likely that, as with other human herpesviruses, a HHV-8
primary infection or reactivation, is manifested by non neoplastic
pathological changes. Thus, HHV-8 DNA has been detected in the
pathologic lung tissue of HIV negative and positive patients with
interstitial pneumonitis.[110,111] Fever, cutaneous
rash and hepatitis have also been reported in an Italian patient with
NHL, who received autologous peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC)
transplantation and showed HHV-8 reactivation.[112]
Recently, we had also the possibility to study primary HHV-8 infection
in two patients four months after kidney transplantation from the same
HHV-8-seropositive cadaveric donor. Seroconversion and viremia
coincided with development of a disseminated KS in one patient and with
an acute syndrome of fever, splenomegaly, cytopenia, and marrow failure
with plasmacytosis in the other patient.[113] We
also reported a further case of HHV-8 reactivation associated with
fever and marrow aplasia with plasmacytosis in a patient with NHL,
after autologous PBSC transplantation. HHV-8 transcripts and latency
associated nuclear antigen were expressed in the immature myeloid
progenitors of the aplastic marrow of these patients.[113]
In recent studies we and others have observed that HHV-8 may also exert
a myelosuppressive effect in vitro,[114,115]
suggesting that HHV-8 could also be implicated in the complex
pathophysiology of cytopenias often occurring in HIV infected patients.[116] (Table 1)
This study was supported by the Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca
sul Cancro (AIRC), Milan, Italy; the European Commission’s FP6
Life-Science-Health Programme (INCA project; LSHC-CT-2005-018704); the
Associazione Italiana Lotta alle Leucemie, Linfoma e Mieloma
(AIL)-Modena ONLUS; and the Programma di ricerca Regione-Università PRU
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