Lucrezia Laterza1,
Gianenrico Rizzatti1, Eleonora Gaetani1, Patrizia
Chiusolo2 and Antonio Gasbarrini1
1 Fondazione
Policlinico A. Gemelli,
UOC of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases.
L.go Gemelli, 8 Rome, Italy
2 Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli, Institute of
Haematology, L.go Gemelli, 8 Rome, Italy
Published: May 1, 2016
Received: February 22, 2016
Accepted: April 10, 2016
Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2016, 8(1): e2016025, DOI
This article is available on PDF format at:
This is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Gut microbiota has gained
interest in the pathogenesis of immune-related diseases. In this
context, graft-versus-host disease is a condition characterized by an
immune response which frequently complicates and limits the outcomes of
hematopoietic stem cell transplantations. Past studies, carried mostly
in animals, already supported a relationship between gut microbiota and
graft-versus-host disease. However, the possible mechanisms underlying
this connection remain elusory. Moreover, strategies to prevent
graft-versus-host disease are of great interest as well as the
potential role of gut microbiota modulation. We reviewed the role
of gut microbiota in the development of immune system and its
involvement in the graft-versus-host disease, focusing on data
available on humans.
Microbiota is the complex system of bacteria, archaea, viruses and
fungi living in several body niches, such as skin, vagina, nose and
mouth. However, the majority of microorganisms live in the digestive
tract. Gut microbiota should be considered a real organ, accounting 100
times more genes than the host and being responsible for multiple
functions and in particular of the metabolic and immune homeostasis.[1]
studies demonstrated that gut microbiota is only the first layer of a
multilayer barrier separating our organism from the content of
intestinal lumen and, thus, from the external environment: the
so-called “gut barrier”. This barrier is composed, beyond microbiota,
by the mucus layer on the epithelial cells, the epithelial cells
themselves, the immune cells harboring in the submucosa and by the
bidirectional interactions between all these layers (Figure 1).
Its integrity is essential to maintain the homeostasis, and its
disruption has been associated with many gastrointestinal and
extragastrointestinal diseases. Whereas the role of gut barrier
disruption appears clear in gastrointestinal disorders, its role in
extragastrointestinal diseases could be harder to understand. The basis
of this role should be searched in the complex function of immune
stimulation/tolerance that gut microbiota exerts.
1. The gut barrier and its alterations during the pathogenesis of GVHD.
The healthy gut barrier is essential to maintain the immune
homeostasis. Total body irradiation and/or chemotherapy, used as
conditioning regimen, lead to gut barrier disruption, damaging the
mucus layer and the epithelium. Thus, bacteria and bacterial products
such as lipopolysaccharide translocate in the lamina propria where,
together with endogenous danger molecules released from damaged
epithelial cells, activate host and/or donor antigen-presenting cells
(APCs) which prime alloreactive donor-derived T cells, triggering the
damage to target organs. Modified from Heidegger.[59] |
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a
potentially curative therapy for many diseases, mostly hematological,
otherwise associated with a poor prognosis. Unfortunately, the
widespread use of this treatment is often restricted by the development
of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) a condition in which
immunocompetent donor T cells attack host tissues in immunocompromised
patients, constituting one of the leading causes of non-relapse
mortality.[2] GVHD depends on several factors, such as
age, conditioning regimen, hematopoietic graft source and prophylaxis.
The traditional classification of GVHD is based on the timing of onset:
acute (aGVHD), within the first 100 days after HSCT, and chronic
(cGVHD), after the first 100 days. However, beyond the temporal
criterion, aGVHD and cGVHD are different diseases, with characteristic
clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, and tissue pathology.
Systemic inflammation and tissue disruption predominate in aGVHD,
whereas the immune dysregulation leading to several infections is the
prevalent presentation in cGVHD.[3] Thus, the
characteristic clinical manifestations became the diagnostic features
instead of the time of the onset, based on National Institutes of
Health (NIH) consensus criteria.[4]
In particular, in this review we discuss the role of gut microbiota in
the GVHD, focusing on data on humans.
The Healthy Gut Microbiota
In the last years, the increasing interest on human gut microbiota
led to large-scale attempts to characterize it. The association of
traditional cultural techniques with new molecular techniques based on
the analysis of the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene
sequences as phylogenetic markers made bacteria the most known
components of gut microbiota, identifying more than 1000 species.
Bacteria together with Archaea and Eukaryota constitute the three
kingdoms in which life is classified. Bacteria are subclassified in
many phyla (plural of phylum, major taxonomic division that contains
one or more classes, Box 1),
but only a few phyla are mostly represented, accounting for more than
160 species, and, among them, Firmicutes (consisting mainly of
Gram-positive clostridia) and Bacteroidetes (consisting mainly of
Gram-negative bacteria) are prevalent.[1,5]
These two phyla, together with the less represented Actinobacteria and
Proteobacteria are not only the most abundant, but also include
the most diverse microorganisms in
the adult gastrointestinal tract. Other represented phyla
are Verrucomicrobia, Lentisphaerae, Synergistetes, Planctomycetes,
Tenericutes and the Deinococcus-Thermus group, Melainabacteria, and
Gemmatimonacete. Regarding the other two kingdoms, the Euryarchaeota,
including the highly represented methanogens, are the most represented
Archaea, whereas, among the Eukarya, some Candida spp are the most
The earliest years of life are essential for the
development of individual microbiota that depends on several factors,
such as maternal and family members microbiota, kind of delivery,
breastfeeding and early exposure to antibiotics. After this phase,
individual microbiota composition is stable in the adult life for
decades, and it may be the same also for the entire lifetime unless
perturbing factors occur, such as antibiotic therapies or infections.[6]
Box 1. Example of taxonomy of Escherichia coli. |
The Role of Gut Microbiota in the Immune Regulation
The correct development of gut microbiota is strictly related to the
healthy maturation of the immune system, and both develop in the first
2 years of life. In fact gut microbiota constitutes a stimulus that
drives the development of the immune system in its capacity to react to
pathogens and in the induction and maintenance of the tolerance
process. On the other side, immune dysregulation can induce an
alteration in gut microbiota.[7,8] The importance of
this bidirectional relationship has been highlighted by data from
germ-free (GF) animals that showed reduced development of both innate
and adaptive immunity with increased susceptibility to microbial
The integrity of the gut barrier is the basis of the healthy
stimulation of the immune system by microbiota.
fact, the continuous stimulation by luminal commensal antigens should
be regulated to avoid the over-stimulation of the immune system. This
is warranted by the presence of a physical barrier between gut
microbiota and host immune cells, composed of epithelial cells and the
mucus layer above them. In particular, the mucus layer consists of an
inner and an outer layer, but whereas the outer one is colonized by
large numbers of bacteria, the inner one, thicker than the outer one,
constitutes a barrier for them.[11,12] Furthermore,
even innate lymphoid cells[13,14] and IgAs[15]
contribute to reduce the penetration of microorganisms through the
epithelial cells and their presentation to the immune system.
Microbiota is essential for the correct development of both innate and
adaptive immune response.
Conversely, microbiota needs a healthy
immune system to correct its development. In fact, for example, the
deficit in IgA response alters the composition of microbiota.[16-18]
Microbiota and the Innate Immune Response
microbiota could regulate lamina propria phagocytes and, in particular,
it could increase the production of pro-IL1β in resident macrophages[19] and neutrophils,[20]
that could be rapidly activated in IL1β in response to pathogens.
Microbiota could also influence systemic neutrophils response enhancing
their bactericidal activity triggering the NOD1 signaling through
peptidoglycan stimulation.
Microbiota and the Adaptive Immune Response
from germ-free (GF) animals demonstrated that when the microbiota is
absent, there is a shift through a T-helper (Th)2 response, due to a
reduced number of Th1 and Th17 cells, which could be reversible in case
of colonization of the gut by flora. In particular, in the small
intestine Th17 cells could be stimulated mainly by segmented filamentous bacteria
(SFB), species belonging to commensal Clostridia-related bacteria,[21-24] and Lactobacillus
T cells, also B cells and immunoglobulins production are influenced by
microbiota. In fact, the intestinal mucosa is essential to the correct
development of B cells as well as fetal liver and bone marrow, and
microbiota is able to regulate intestine-specific B-cell receptor.[26,27]
In fact, the presence of commensal microorganisms in the gut stimulates
gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALTs), such as both Peyer’s patches
and isolated lymphoid follicles.[28-30] The
continuous stimulation induces germinal center formation in isolated
lymphoid follicles and Peyer’s patches and IgA production, differently
from systemic lymphoid organs where germinal center formation does not
occur under physiological condition, but only after a specific- i.e.
infectious- stimulation.[31] In fact, microbial
products are required to stimulate the germinal centers in lymphoid
follicles and IgA production, in particular through Nucleotide-binding
oligomerization domain-containing protein (NOD)1-mediated signaling.[18,32,33]
Tolerance Education by Microbiota
Colonic FoxP3+ T regulatory (Treg)
cells are strongly influenced by the presence of gut microbiota. In
fact, they are reduced in colonic lamina propria in the absence of gut
microbiota stimulation, whereas the presence of gut microbiota is less
relevant for Treg of the small intestine or mesenteric lymph nodes.[34,35] In particular, murine data demonstrated that Clostridia and Bacteroides fragilis could be the
most powerful inducers of Treg,[34-39] probably
working through different mechanisms which could be dependent and
independent from toll-like receptors (TLRs) signaling. Among
TLRs-independent pathways, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) - bacterial
metabolites deriving from carbohydrates fermentation, including
acetate, propionate, isobutyrate and butyrate- seem to be able to
increase the acetylation of the Foxp3 locus, increasing the number of
Treg directly or, indirectly, increasing the production of TGFβ in the
intestinal epithelium.[36,40-42]
Furthermore, SCFAs induced the expression of the receptor GPR15,
responsible for recruitment of Treg in the large intestine.[40-50] Similarly, the folic acid produced by colonic
microorganisms could increase the survival of Treg cells.[51]
Furthermore, gut microbiota could stimulate the production of the
anti-inflammatory cytokine IL10 by intestinal macrophages.[52]
The Allogenic Transplant and the Graft-versus-Host
Every year, more than 39000[53]
HSCT are performed only in Europe for an ever expanding number of
neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases, in particular for hematological
conditions such as leukemias and lymphomas.[54]
HSCT is still limited by the development of GVHD, a condition that
results from the interaction between the host cells which are targeted
by the transplanted donor immune cells, primarily T cells.[55]GVHD
was historically classified in acute and chronic, respectively, if the
onset of symptoms was before or after 100 days. However recent
advantages questioned these definitions, and current consensus states
that clinical features define GVHD as acute or chronic.[4]
occurs mainly in the skin, GI, and liver. GI manifestations of aGVHD
include secretory diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and, in severe
cases, bleeding. The severity of aGVHD is classified in four grades on
the basis of the involvement of the organs mentioned above.[57]
On the other hand, cGVHD manifestations are typically variable, and
many organs can be involved, frequently with autoimmune-like diseases
GVHD Pathogenesis and the Role of Gut Microbiota
mechanisms leading to GVHD are usually divided into steps: organ
damage, priming of the immune response, activation of T cells and
destruction of target organs by mean of the activated immune cells[2,57,59] (Figure 1).
The incidence of GVHD is positively correlated with the degree of human
leucocyte antigen (HLA) mismatch as the histocompatibility antigens are
the main proteins recognized by donor immune cells.[60]
The connection between GVHD and microbiota was firstly suggested in
pioneering studies in mice.[61,62]
However, studies in humans are still scant and characterized by small
sample sizes. These studies mainly investigated variations in the
gastrointestinal microbiota before and after HSCT and the impact of its
composition on the transplant outcomes (Table
Table 1. Summary of human studies assessing
gastrointestinal microbiota in Graft versus Host Disease. |
et al. demonstrated that there is a marked reduction after HSCT in the
microbiota diversity which leads to the selection of a limited number
or, even, of a single “dominating” bacterial genus. Interestingly,
patients who developed intestinal domination showed an increased risk
of bacteremia which was frequently caused by the same identified
“dominating” bacteria.[63] The authors also described
the effects of different antibiotics on the development of specific
bacterial prevalences: for example, fluoroquinolones reduced the risk
of gram-negative bacteremia by decreasing proteobacterial domination.[63]
these data and considering the already mentioned dramatic impact of
GVHD on survival, it is not surprising that microbiota diversity was
also found to be an independent risk factor for mortality in patients
undergoing HSCT.[66]
studies focused on the analysis of bacterial composition, researching
if specific genera or species could be more implicated than others in
the development of GVHD. For example, analysis of bacterial genera
found that the abundance of a specific genus, namely Blautia (which belong to the Clostridia class), is associated
with GVHD-related mortality.[67]
Although it was not possible to demonstrate causality in this study,
these data may represent a starting point for the development of a GVHD
mortality biomarker in the near future.
studies investigated variations of the microbiota in relation to the
development of GVHD, the second most common cause of mortality in the
context of allogeneic HSCT.[64] In particular, the
onset of GVHD seems to be associated with a progressive reduction of
the microbiota diversity with a relative increase in Lactobacillales
and a relative decrease in Clostridiales.[65]
Noteworthy, these findings are consistent with those in mice,
suggesting that animal studies may, at least, guide the research in
other authors reported that there is an increase after HSCT in the
relative abundance of enterococci that was persistent and more
pronounced in adult patients with active GVHD.[68]
Similar results have been obtained in children by Biagi et al., who
analyzed fecal samples collected from 10 children before HSCT and three
times in the following 100 days. After HSCT, a profound alteration of
the gut ecosystem occurred in all children, with the loss of about 30%
in average of alpha diversity -a measure of diversity within a
population in terms of number and distribution- compared to pre-HSCT
samples. However, the last samples collected showed a minor degree of
difference compared to pre-HSCT specimens, suggesting a natural trend
to recover after the disturbance caused by the HSCT. The fecal amount
of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) followed the variations of
microbiota: it decreased by 76% after HSCT, being propionate the most
reduced (mean loss 86%), and trend to recover distancing the HSCT.
Although these differences are common in patients with and without
aGVHD, the 5 children who developed aGVHD also showed an overgrowth of Enterococcus and Clostridiales and a corresponding
decrease of Faecalibacterium
and Ruminococcus. At phylum
level, patients with aGVHD showed a drop in Firmicutes
abundance after HSCT but, distancing the HSCT, they showed higher
abundance than the initial one, whereas they demonstrated a lower
abundance of Bacteroidetes
compared to non-aGVHD patients. Even if alterations of gut microbiota
induced by conditioning regimen and HSCT seem to be crucial to the
pathogenesis of GVHD, the pre-HSCT characteristics of gut microbiota
could also play a major role. In fact, children who developed aGVHD
showed lower diversity and richness before HSCT compared to the other
patients and, in particular, they demonstrated a lower abundance of Bacteroides and Parabacteroides, whose abundance
positively correlated with the concentration of propionate and SCFA.[56]
group identified that the conditioning regimen, starting from the same
baseline microbiota composition, promotes changes in the microbiome,
which are different between Autologous (auto-) and Allogeneic Stem Cell
Transplantation (allo-SCT). After auto-SCT we documented an increase of
Proteobacteria (Klebsiella, Proteus, Acinetobacter,
Haemophilus, Pseudomonas, Enterobacteriaceae) and a reduction of
Bacteroidetes (Bacteroides, Saprospirae, Prevotella).
After allo-SCT, instead, there was an increase of Bacteroidetes and a reduction of Firmicutes (Bacilli, Lactobacilli, Clostridium,
Enterococci, Streptococci). Moreover, patients who developed
GVHD harbored more Firmicutes
and Proteobacteria and fewer
Bacteroidetes than patients
without this complication. In patients with gut GVHD, Proteobacteria were more
represented than in patients with liver or skin involvement.[69]
these studies showed that the intestinal microbiota is heavily affected
by HSCT, being the principal finding, reported in all studies, the
reduction in the overall bacterial diversity. At the same time, some
studies reported specific alterations which are interestingly
correlated with the development of the major complications of HSCT,
such as bacteremia and GVHD. While a causative role of the microbiota
in these conditions is yet to be demonstrated, these and future studies
may give a better comprehension of the complex mechanisms underlying
HSCT and GVHD, ultimately allowing better outcomes.
New Perspectives: the Role of Paneth Cells and
Genetic Modifiers of Gut Microbiota
researchers focused on Paneth cells in an attempt to find a mechanistic
relation between microbiota and GVHD. Paneth cells secrete
antimicrobial peptides such as alpha-defensins which contribute to the
regulation of the GI microbiota. During GVHD, Paneth cells appear to be
damaged with a consequent reduction in alpha-defensins production.[70]
Noteworthy, alpha-defensins activity is directed mostly toward
non-commensal bacteria, thus decreased levels of these peptides lead to
a reduction of commensal bacteria and, intuitively, to an impairment in
their beneficial effects.
subsequent study investigated if Paneth cells number may correlate with
the severity, response to treatment and survival of GVHD. Authors found
that Paneth cells number was inversely correlated with the clinical
severity stage with a strong correlation between the two parameters.
Response to treatment at 4 weeks was also found to be positively
correlated with Paneth cells number, being highest in patients with a
complete response and lowest in patients who did not respond. Finally,
a threshold of 4 Paneth cells per high power field (HPF) was found to
discriminate between high and low-risk patients regarding non-relapse
mortality (NRM), with also a significant difference in the overall
Ferrara et al. demonstrated that a specific lectin secreted by Paneth
cells, namely regenerating islet-derived 3-alpha (REG3alpha), has
diagnostic value in acute GI GVHD permitting to differentiate between
GVHD-related diarrhea and other causes of diarrhea.[72]
The authors also demonstrated a prognostic value of REG3alpha in GVHD,
in particular, a positive correlation between plasma levels and NRM was
found. This result may appear in contrast with the previous data, in
particular with the evidence supporting a protective role of Paneth
cells. However, the authors hypothesized that the GI mucosal barrier
disruption which occurs in GVHD permits to the nearby Paneth cells
secretions to enter the bloodstream.[72]
there is an increasing interest in the role of the Fucosyltransferase 2
(FUT2) gene, a genetic modifier of the GI microbiota which seems to be
associated with different GI diseases.
antigens are expressed in the intestinal mucin layer, for example, ABH
antigens are oligosaccharides that constitute a site of attachment and
a carbon source for intestinal bacteria.[73] Their
expression is regulated by an enzyme which in humans is encoded by the
FUT2 gene.[74]
Polymorphisms in the FUT2 gene are correlated with alteration of the GI
microbiota both in the compositional and functional level.[75]
Recently, homozygosity for the loss-of-function alleles (non-secretors,
A/A genotype) was demonstrated to be associated with increased
susceptibility to Crohn’s disease.[76] Rayes et
al. also showed that FUT2 polymorphisms influence the risk of GVHD and
bacteremia in the context of HSCT. Specifically, the Authors found that
there was a reduced risk of acute GVHD with A/A genotype
(non-secretors) and an increased risk with the G/G genotype (secretors)
while an increased risk for bacteremia was found with A/A and A/G
(secretors) genotypes.[73]
Gut Microbiota Modulation as a Preventive Strategy
Against GVHD
the major role of gut microbiota in the pathogenesis of GVHD, its
modulation with prebiotic, probiotic and antibiotic could be a strategy
to reduce the incidence of GVHD.
studies reported reduced numbers and less severe GVHD after the use of
broad-spectrum antibiotics to “decontaminate” the gastrointestinal
77,78] However, GI decontamination fell into
disuse in the 1990s mostly because of heterogeneous successful
decontamination rates, high costs and lack of corroborating data of its
79] The reasons behind the failure of total
gut decontamination in the clinical setting are still unknown. However,
many Authors hypothesized that an explanation may be that this practice
affects the microbiota as a whole, without distinction between “good”
bacteria and pathogens.[
In fact, as discussed above, there is evidence that bacteria diversity
is the cornerstone of the “healthy” microbiota while a decreased
diversity is often found in many GI and extragastrointestinal diseases.[
drew growing interest in the world of gut microbiota modulation and
suggested in murine models that they could be effective in decreasing
the aGVHD severity.[
82] However,
the use of probiotics in immunosuppressed patients is limited by
possible safety issues. Ladas et al. evaluated the safety of the
administration of
during the conditioning regimen and the post-HSCT neutropenic period in
30 children and adolescents. The majority of patients (70%) did not
develop GVHD. Three patients died within 100 days from the HSCT, but
the causes of death are judged unrelated to probiotics. Furthermore, no
episodes of
Lactobacillus plantarum
bacteremia were observed. Even if these results are preliminary, they
laid the foundation for larger clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy
and the safety of probiotics in prevention and treatment of GVHD.
are defined as nondigestible food components that are able to modulate
the intestinal microbiota with a possible beneficial effect on the
human body.[
83] In particular, oligosaccharides
represent an important fraction of human milk and are known to exert a
prebiotic effect.[
Modulation of the microbiota is also achieved indirectly, as
oligosaccharides can prevent adhesion of enteropathogens acting as
soluble decoys.[
85] Both these mechanisms indirectly
reduce inflammation,[
86] even if recent evidence
suggest that oligosaccharides also have a direct inhibitory effect on
microbiota transplantation (FMT), the infusion of feces from a healthy
donor into the gut of a recipient patient, was recently proven to be
safe and effective in
difficile infection after HSCT when conventional therapy failed.[
In fact, patients undergoing HSCT are exposed, due to antibiotic
prophylaxis and to the procedure itself, to colonization by multi-drug
resistant bacteria with a negative impact on the main transplant
outcomes, such as overall survival and non-relapse mortality, but also
on the development of clinically relevant aGVHD.[
the same authors found, in a preliminary study, that FMT was able to
eradicate resistant bacteria harbored in the gut of an
immunocompromised patient affected by multiple myeloma.[
further studies are awaited, these data suggested that FMT may
represent, in the near future, a novel strategy to modulate the gut
microbiota with a possible impact on GVHD.
microbiota and its continuous stimulation of immune system are
essential for the development and the “maintenance” of a healthy
gut. HSCT-related procedures could alter this balance laying the
foundation for the development of GVHD. The possibility of modulation
of gut microbiota as a preventive or curative strategy for GVHD is
intriguing and should be developed in the future, to reduce the
morbidity and mortality of this condition.
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