Marica Laurino1,2, Sandrine Loron1, Marie-Virginie Larcher1, Gaëlle Fossard1, Mohamed Elhamri1, Alexandre Deloire1, Marie Balsat1, Fiorenza Barraco1, Hélène Labussière1, Sophie Ducastelle1, Myriam Renault1, Eric Wattel1, Maël Heiblig1, Gilles Salles1 and Xavier Thomas1.
1 Hospices Civils de Lyon, Department of Hematology, Lyon-Sud Hospital, Pierre Bénite, France.
2 Ematologia e Immunologia Clinica, Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova, Padova, Italy.
author: Xavier Thomas, Department of Hematology, Lyon-Sud
Hospital, Bat. 1G, 165 chemin du Grand Revoyet, 69495 Pierre Bénite
Cedex, France. Tel. (33)478862235; fax. (33)472678880; e-mail:
Published: May 1, 2020
Received: January 6, 2020
Accepted: March 17, 2020
Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2020, 12(1): e2020020 DOI
This is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
adults with newly diagnosed or relapsed/refractory acute myeloid
leukemia (AML) were treated with fractionated doses of gemtuzumab
ozogamicin (GO) at one-single French center over ten years. We
attempted to define predictive factors for response and survival. The
overall response rate was 70% (86% in newly diagnosed and 65% in
relapsed/refractory AML). Mortality during induction was 6%.
Disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival at three years after
GO treatment was 36% and 31%, respectively. Median DFS in
relapsed/refractory patients was eight months with a 3-year DFS at 34%.
Among remitters, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
(HSCT) can be performed in 28 cases (42%), including two patients in
first-line therapy and 26 in further line. In relapsed/refractory
patients undergoing allogeneic HSCT after responding to GO therapy, the
median DFS was not reached. Incidences of transplant-related mortality,
grade ≥ 3 acute graft-versus-host (GvH) disease, and extensive chronic
GvH disease were 11%, 14%, and 25%, respectively. No sinusoidal
obstruction syndromes were reported among allografted patients as among
the other patients in the studied cohort. GO-based chemotherapy is a
viable option for the treatment of relapsed/refractory AML patients and
is a feasible schedule as a bridge to allogeneic transplant.
myeloid leukemia (AML) is a life-threatening hematological disorder
characterized by uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal blasts in the
bone marrow, disturbing normal hematopoiesis. Over the past few years,
several promising concepts have been introduced for the treatment of
AML, of which one is based on the expression of CD33 on leukemic cells.[1]
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin (GO) (mylotarg®) is a humanized anti-CD33
monoclonal antibody conjugated to calicheamicin, a potent DNA-binding
cytotoxic antibiotic that causes single and double-strand cuts. The
bond between antibody and drug is stable in circulation and then
dissolves, once intracellular, to allow the calicheamicin to bind with
the DNA. GO spares the presumably normal precursors, so allowing for
restoration of normal hematopoiesis.[2] GO monotherapy has shown a 23% response rate in newly diagnosed AML patients not eligible for intensive chemotherapy.[3]
GO was initially approved by FDA, then subsequently withdrawn; it was
reapproved combined with cytarabine and daunorubicin given as standard
‘7+3’ for newly diagnosed CD33-positive AML. Approval was obtained
after the French ALFA-0701 trial randomizing newly diagnosed patients
aged 50-70 years to receive ‘7+3’ ± GO with fractionated doses (3 mg/m2 on days 1, 4, and 7),[4]
and was based on prolongation of event-free survival (EFS) with,
however, a benefit limited to patients with favorable or intermediate
cytogenetics. Hepatotoxicity (including hepatic veno-occlusive disease)
has been reported in association with the use of GO, especially in
patients with underlying hepatic disease or abnormal liver function.
Improved outcomes have also been reported in patients receiving
low-dose GO combined with low-dose cytarabine compared with low-dose
cytarabine alone (30% of responses versus 17%).[5] In
combination with azacitidine, GO produced a 44% CR rate with a median
OS of 11 months in patients aged 60-69 years, and 35% CR rate with
again a median OS of 11 months in patients aged ≥70 years.[6]
this ‘real-life’ study, we report our experience with fractionated GO
administration given as front-line therapy in combination with
conventional chemotherapy according to the European recommendations,
but also and above all given outside the official indications in the
relapsed/refractory setting. The study aim was to evaluate its
efficacy, especially in high-risk patients and its potential use as a
bridge to transplant.
Patients and Methods
A chart review of 94 AML patients receiving GO between January 2009 and
January 2019 at the Lyon University Hospital (France) was
retrospectively performed. All patients had Eastern Cooperative
Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG PS)<2 at the time of
starting GO therapy. Diagnoses were established according to criteria
proposed by the French-American-British (FAB) study group. In all
patients, leukemic blasts CD33 expression was > 40%, and a majority
of them expressed substantial amounts of CD33 (>70% in 60% of
cases). All patients were classified according to the European
LeukemiaNet (ELN) stratifications.[7] Cytogenetic data
were classified according to standard International System for Human
Cytogenetic Nomenclature criteria into favorable-, intermediate-, or
unfavorable-risk subgroups.
The screening for the following
mutations was performed at diagnosis prospectively or retrospectively
in 93 of the 94 patients: FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (Flt3) gene internal tandem mutation (ITD) or tyrosine kinase domain (TKD), the nucleophosmin gene (NPM1), the MLL partial tandem duplication (PTD), the CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha (CEBPA) gene, the ectropic virus integration site 1 protein homolog (EVI1) gene (MECOM), and the isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1/2) genes.
Twenty-two patients received GO as front-line therapy (group 1), while
72 patients received GO in second or further line of treatment of whom
13 were previously allografted. As a front-line treatment, GO (3 mg/m2/day on days 1, 4 and 7) was combined with a conventional ‘7+3’ induction chemotherapy, with cytarabine (200 mg/m2/day on days 1 to 7) and daunorubicin (60 mg/m2/day on days 1 to 3).[4]
The total dose of GO per infusion was not to exceed one 5 mg vial.
Sixty-six patients in the relapsed/refractory setting (group 2)
received the same treatment. Patients who achieved composite complete
remission (CRc) can receive two courses of consolidation, including
daunorubicin and cytarabine with GO (3 mg/m2/day
on day 1). They could also be considered for allogeneic hematopoietic
stem cell transplant (HSCT) according to age, Eastern Cooperative
Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG PS), genetic-risk profile,
presence of a potential donor, and absence of prior transplantation.
Six refractory patients (group 3) with an identified HLA compatible
donor received GO (3 mg/m2/day on days 1, 4 and 7) combined with cytarabine (200 mg/m2/day on days 1 to 7) and daunorubicin (60 mg/m2/day
on days 1 to 3) followed at day 15 by a FLAMSA sequential conditioning
combining fludarabine, cytarabine, amsacrine, followed by
cyclophosphamide, and/or either total body irradiation or busulfan, and
allogeneic HSCT.[8]
Ethics statement.
All treatments received approval from the institutional review board
and were conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. This
observational and retrospective study did not require any specific,
informed consent or ethics committee approval according to French
legislation (articles L.1121-1 paragraph 1 and R1121-2, Public Health
Code). However, the patients enrolled in a transplant protocol, and in
any case of transplantation, signed informed consent. All data were
collected and analyzed anonymously.
Statistical analyses.
Descriptive statistics were used to characterize patients and their
disease. Descriptive data were stratified by study cohorts.
Associations between pretreatment characteristics and responses to
induction were evaluated by the Pearson χ2
test. All tests were two-sided with statistical significance set at
0.05. CRc includes all patients who achieved CR, CRi (all CR criteria
except for residual neutropenia or thrombocytopenia), and CRp (CR with
incomplete platelet counts).[9] CRc was defined
as less than 5% blasts in bone marrow aspirates with no blasts with
Auer rods and no extramedullary disease. Hematological relapse was
considered when more than 5% blasts were seen in two bone marrow
aspirates obtained at a 15-day interval. Overall survival (OS) was
defined as the time from GO therapy to death or last patient contact.
Disease-free survival (DFS) was defined from date of CRc following GO
therapy to date of relapse or death, or last contact with patient in
continuous CRc. DFS and OS distributions were estimated by the method
of Kaplan and Meier. All treatment and subgroup comparisons were
performed by the log-rank test. Simultaneous effects of multiple
covariates were estimated with the maximum-likelihood logistic
regression model for response to therapy and with the Cox’s
proportional hazard model for DFS and OS and tested by the
likelihood-ratio test, also used in univariate analyses for continuous
variables. Regarding continuous variables the threshold chosen for the
analyses was the median value. Estimated hazard ratios (HRs) are
reported as relative risks (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). All
computations were made using BMDP software (BMDP Statistical Software,
Los Angeles, CA).
Population characteristics.
A total of 94 AML patients (53 males and 41 females) were treated with
GO at the Lyon University Hospital between January 2009 and January
2019. At the time of analysis, the median follow-up was 3 years (95%
CI: 1.8 – 3.3 years). Main characteristics at the time of treatment are
summarized in Table 1. The
median age was 56 years (18 – 75 years). Twenty-seven patients had
secondary AML (6 with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, 5 with prior
myelodysplastic syndrome, 4 with prior chronic myeloproliferative
syndrome, 4 with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 2 with breast cancer, 2 with
uterus cancer, 1 with mastocytosis, 1 with Hodgkin disease, 1 with
colon cancer, and 1 following immunosuppressive treatment for renal
transplantation). The patients were grouped into three study cohorts.
Twenty-two patients received GO + chemotherapy as front-line therapy
(group 1). Seventy-two patients received GO in the relapsed/refractory
setting (49 in second line of treatment, 20 in third line, 2 in fourth
line, and one in fifth line). Among them, 66 relapsed/refractory
patients received GO + chemotherapy (group 2) and 6 very high-risk
refractory patients received GO + chemotherapy 2 weeks prior starting
conditioning regimen in the setting of allogeneic HSCT (group 3).
Overall, 19 patients were classified as ‘favorable-risk’ according to
the ELN classification, 42 as ‘intermediate-risk,’ and 33 as
‘unfavorable-risk'. Molecular profiling of the studied patients
included Flt3-ITD mutations in 20 patients (21.5%), Flt3-TKD in 6 (6.4%), NPM1 in 23 (24.7%), EVI1 in 15 (16.1%), MLL-PTD in 8 (8.6%), CEBPA in 4 (4.3%), IDH1 in 3 (3.2%), and IDH2 in 8 (8.6%).
1. Patient characteristics. Group 1: patients who received GO as
front-line therapy; group 2: patients who received GO after one or
further lines of therapy in the relapsed/refractory setting; group 3:
very high-risk refractory patients who received GO 2 weeks prior
starting conditioning regimen in the setting of allogeneic HSCT. |
Response rates.
Overall, the rate of CRc was 70% (66 of the 94 patients). CRc was
achieved in 19 patients (86%) in group 1, 42 (63%) in group 2, and 5
(83%) in group 3.
Overall, 28 patients (42% of morphological
remitters) underwent allogeneic HSCT after achieving response with GO
either in first remission (2 patients) or further remission (18
patients in second line and 8 in third line): 13 transplants from a
mismatched unrelated donor, 6 from an identical unrelated donor, and 9
from an identical sibling. Conditioning regimens included
amsacrine/cytarabine/fludarabine/anti-thymoglobulin (ATG)/busulfan or
total body irradiation (TBI) (20 patients), fludarabine/busulfan/ATG (4
patients), cyclophosphamide/fludarabine/TBI (2 patients),
busulfan/ATG/TBI (one patient), and cyclophosphamide/busulfan (one
patient). Graft-versus-host (GvH) prophylaxis used ciclosporin ±
methotrexate or mycophenolate mofetil or cyclophosphamide. Sources of
cells were peripheral blood (23 patients), bone marrow (2 patients),
and cord blood (3 patients). Six out of 20 patients (30%) evaluated for
MRD before undergoing allogeneic HSCT were MRD-negative.
The other
patients achieving any response received at least one subsequent
consolidation therapy following GO treatment. Three patients not
achieving CR with GO were allografted after a further line of treatment.
considering only relapsed/refractory patients (group 2 and group 3),
factors influencing response in univariate analyses included AML
subtype [78% (de novo AML) vs
36% (secondary AML); p =0.0006] and ELN classification [100%
(favorable-risk) vs 60% (intermediate-risk) vs 48% (unfavorable); p
=0.001]. In a multivariate analysis, only secondary AML [HR: 6.05; 95%
CI: 2.01 – 17.8; p =0.001] remained of significant prognostic value (Table 2).
Table 2. Multivariate analyses in relapsed/refractory patients (group 2 and group 3). |
Disease-free Survival.
At the time of analysis, relapse has occurred in 33 of the 66 patients
(50%) who responded to GO therapy. The median time from GO therapy to
relapse was 5.3 months (1.5 – 53.6 months). Overall, median DFS was
10.5 months (95% CI: 6.0 – 22.6 months) with a 3-year DFS of 34% (Figure 1A).
Median DFS was 19 months with a 3-year DFS of 36% in patients treated
with GO as first-line therapy (group 1), and 7.7 months (3-year DFS:
33%) and 18.6 months (3-year DFS: 40%) in relapsed/refractory patients
from group 2 and group 3, respectively (Figure 1B). Overall, median DFS in relapsed/refractory patients was 8 months with a 3-year DFS at 34%.
relapsed/refractory patients (group 2 and group 3), factors predictive
for DFS in the univariate analysis included allogeneic HSCT after
achieving CRc with GO therapy (median DFS: not reached vs 1.5 months; p <0.0001) (Figure 1C) and the number of prior therapeutic lines [median DFS: 8.0 months (one prior line) vs 10.2 months (2 prior lines) vs 3.3 months (3 prior lines]. Adverse ELN stratification AML showed lower DFS than intermediate/favorable-risk AML (Figure 1D), as AML with prior history of hemopathy or cancer comparatively to de novo AML (Figure 1E),
but differences were not statistically significant. In a multivariate
analysis using a model including age (<55 vs ≥55 years), ELN
stratification (favorable- and intermediate-risk vs unfavorable-risk), antecedents of hemopathy or cancer (secondary AML vs de novo AML), the number of prior therapeutic lines (one prior line vs > one prior line), Flt3-ITD, EVI1 and NPM1 mutation status, pre-treatment percentage of blasts in bone marrow (≤30% vs >30%), pre-treatment WBC count (<4 vs ≥4 x 109/L),
antecedents of allogeneic HSCT, and allogeneic HSCT as consolidation
treatment after GO therapy, only the number of prior therapeutic lines
[HR: 2.55; 95% CI: 1.13 – 3.06; p =0.03] and allogeneic HSCT after GO
therapy [HR: 5.88; 95% CI: 3.89 – 8.84; p <0.001] appeared of
significant prognostic value (Table 2).
Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier analyses for DFS: (A) all remitters; (B)
according to leukemia status (group 1: patients who received GO as
front-line therapy; group 2: patients who received GO after one or
further lines of therapy in the relapsed/refractory setting; group 3:
very high-risk refractory patients who received GO 2 weeks prior
starting conditioning regimen in the setting of allogeneic HSCT) (p
values were given by Wald’s test, a HR value > 1 in the Cox model
indicates that the outcome is worse in that category as compared with
the baseline); (C) according to consolidation therapy after GO therapy (AlloHSCT or not) in relapsed/refractory patients (group 2 and group 3); (D)
according to ELN stratification in relapsed/refractory patients (group
2 and group 3) (p values were given by Wald’s test, a HR value > 1
in the Cox model indicates that the outcome is worse in that category
as compared with the baseline); (E) according to leukemia status (de novo AML or secondary AML). |
Overall survival.
Overall median OS after GO therapy was 12.5 months (95% CI: 7.8 – 19.3
months) with a 3-year OS of 31%. Median OS was 25.9 months with a
3-year OS of 31% in group 1, and 8.4 months (3-year OS: 31%) and 2.4
months (3-year OS: 33%) in group 2 and group 3, respectively.
relapsed/refractory patients (group 2 and group 3), factors predictive
for OS in univariate analysis included ELN stratification [median OS:
19.1 months (favorable-risk) vs 9.4 (intermediate-risk) vs 3.5 months (adverse-risk); p =0.01], allogeneic HSCT prior to GO therapy [3.4 months (yes) vs 11.7 months (no); p =0.05), allogeneic HSCT after GO as consolidation therapy [58.8 months (yes) vs 4.7 months (no); p <0.0001], achievement of CRc with GP therapy [20.7 months (yes) vs 3.4 months (no); p <0.0001], EVI1 status [11.7 months (not mutated) vs 2 months (mutated); p =0.005], and the number of prior therapeutic lines [14.2 months (one prior line) vs 5.4 months (2 prior lines) vs 4.0 months (3 prior lines) vs
1.3 (4 prior lines); p =0.01]. In a multivariate Cox proportional
hazard analysis including age, ELN stratification, WBC count before GO
therapy, the line of treatment when receiving GO, Flt3-ITD, EVI1 and NPM1
mutation status, prior history of hemopathy or cancer, prior allogeneic
HSCT, blast percentage in bone marrow before GO therapy, achievement of
CRc with GO therapy, and use of allogeneic HSCT after GO therapy, the
number of prior therapeutic lines (more than one line vs one prior
line) [HR, 1.95; 95% CI: 1.06 – 3.52; p =0.03], NPM1 status [HR, 0.23; 95% CI: 0.10 – 0.54; p =0.02], EVI1
status [HR, 0.24; 95% CI: 0.11 – 0.52); p =0.02], prior allogeneic HSCT
[HR, 0.29; 95% CI: 0.13 – 0.65; p =0.004], CRc achievement [HR, 3.63;
95% CI: 1.8 – 7.31; p =0.006], and allogeneic HSCT after GO therapy
[HR, 3.86; 95% CI: 1.87 – 7.92; p <0.001] appeared of significant
prognostic value (Table 2).
Overall, GO therapy was well tolerated. All patients experienced severe
myelosuppression. A total of 6 patients (6%) died during the period of
induction (all patients in group 2). The causes of death were septic
shock (2 patients), fungal infection (1 patient), pneumonia (1
patient), acute respiratory distress syndrome (1 patient), and
hemorrhagic stroke (1 patient with progressive disease). In remitters,
the median duration of aplasia in patients achieving response was 32.5
days (15 – 55 days) in group 1 and 30.5 days (8 – 93 days) in group 2.
Severe prolonged thrombocytopenia (platelet count<50 x 109/L at day 45) was observed in 16% of cases.
the 28 responders to GO therapy who underwent allogeneic HSCT, 3 died
from transplant-related toxicity: 2 from severe pulmonary infections
and one from severe GvH disease. Severe acute GvH disease (grade ≥ 3)
was observed in 4 cases (3 gut GvH and one liver GvH). Extensive and
limited chronic GvH disease was observed in 7 and 3 cases,
respectively. No sinusoidal obstruction syndromes were reported among
allografted patients as among the other patients in the studied cohort.
In initial publications, GO was used with an unfractionated dose of 9 mg/m2 on days 1 and 14 or 6 mg/m2
on day 4. In combination with chemotherapy, observed CR rates in
relapsed/refractory patients were around 50% with a 2-year OS at 41%,
but with the absence of full platelet recovery in roughly half of the
responders and often early toxic deaths related to sinusoidal
obstruction syndrome.[10-16] In order to reduce
toxicity while keeping efficacy, fractionated dosing was proposed,
demonstrating in combination with chemotherapy a CR rate of 81% in
older patients with untreated AML and 2-year event-free survival of
40.8% versus only 17.1% in a control group without GO.[17] The benefit of fractionated dosing was then confirmed in first relapsed/refractory patients.[18-20]
our study, we aimed at giving a realistic picture of patient outcomes
during and after fractionated dosing GO therapy in newly diagnosed and
relapsed/refractory AML patients. We, therefore, reported all AML cases
seen in our department over 10 years with a specific interest for those
treated outside the official indication of GO therapy in the
relapsed/refractory setting. Despite improvements in the treatment of
adult AML, the prognosis of relapsed/refractory AML patients remains
particularly dismal.[21] Prolonged survival is classically only observed in patients who underwent allogeneic HSCT.[22]
In relapsed/refractory patients, our goal with GO salvage therapy was,
therefore, first to achieve a morphological CR, but secondly to go to
transplantation with a leukemia cell burden as lowest as possible.
suffering from several limitations, including the small number of
patients, the high heterogeneity of patient characteristics, and the
absence of comparator with results that cannot be entirely attributed
to GO, our study has the advantage to describe the use of GO in a
single-center ‘real-life'. All our patients showed an expression of
CD33. GO salvage therapy was assessed in 66 relapsed AML patients and
in 6 refractory young adults as ‘last chance therapy’ in a sequential
treatment with conditioning regimen followed by allogeneic HSCT.
Results in the relapsed/refractory setting tended to be compared to
those obtained over the same period with the same treatment in newly
diagnosed AML.
Overall, our study showed encouraging results for
fractionated doses of GO therapy combined with a traditional ‘7+3’
induction chemotherapy in relapsed/refractory patients. Although the
small size of our cohort underpowered subgroup analysis
interpretations, this treatment yielded to achieve a promising
rate of 65% in relapsed/refractory patients and a 3-year DFS of 34%.
These results were not significantly different from those obtained with
the same treatment in front-line therapy patients. Furthermore, a
sizeable proportion of patients were bridged to allogeneic HSCT, and an
encouraging OS rate was observed. Our results were in accordance with
those recently published showing a viable option for GO-based
chemotherapy as salvage therapy, with similar survival rates and a
feasible schedule as a bridge to allogeneic HSCT.[23]
Main prognostic factors appeared related to the intensity of prior
therapy since a history of prior transplantation was of adverse
influence and also related to leukemia cell characteristics such as the
genetic profile. Overall, allogeneic HSCT performed after CR
achievement following GO therapy remained the major prognostic factor
for both DFS and OS. Analyses using transplant as a time-dependent
covariate would have been suitable but were not relevant because of the
small number of involved patients.
Similarly, the length of first
remission, classically recognized as a major prognostic factor, was not
taken into consideration because of the various number of prior
therapeutic lines received by the patients. Although determined on
small effectiveness, NPM1 mutation and EVI1 mutation emerged as prognostic factors of favorable and unfavorable impact on survival, respectively. On the contrary, Flt3-ITD presence did not appear to influence the prognosis, while it was associated with a high rate of CD33 expression.[24]
This unusual finding could be explained by a balance between the
recognized unfavorable outcome of patients with Flt3 mutation and the
high sensitivity of patients with Flt3 mutation to GO therapy. In these patients, the introduction of Flt3 inhibitors is going to be widely used. However, none of our patients received Flt3
inhibitors. Numerous studies have suggested the lack of efficacy of GO
in case of low CD33 expression both in adults and children.[25,26]
Because CD33 expression of leukemic blasts was at least 40% in our
series, CD33 expression was not introduced in prognostic models. On the
other hand, previous therapy emerged as an important prognostic factor
after GO treatment. Prior history of allogeneic HSCT was confirmed of
poor outcome.[27] This warrants trials using other
novel therapeutic agents and strategies in case of relapse following
allogeneic HSCT. Reversely, allogeneic HSCT of any type is regarded as
the only therapeutic option with curative potential in high-risk AML,
including relapsed/refractory patients.[21] However,
it represents the treatment of choice once a CR has been reached. Best
results are generally achieved when transplantation is performed on a
minimal leukemic burden generally estimated by a negative MRD
determined either by molecular biology or by immunophenotyping.[28]
Based on this concept, our small series of refractory patients starting
conditioning regimen at day 15 of GO plus chemotherapy reinduction
showed encouraging results for a very high-risk AML population.
we always used GO in combination with intensive chemotherapy, GO could
be combined with lower intensity treatments, such as hypomethylating
agents, in patients considered unfit for standard chemotherapy.[29]
Such combinations might provide higher response rates in unfit
patients. However, they can also generate higher hematological toxicity
and potentially alter OS, which remains (with a sustained quality of
life) the most important endpoints in the elderly AML population. In
our study, GO combined with standard chemotherapy was well tolerated.
Like all treatment using monoclonal antibodies, there is, however,
always a significant risk of infusion-related reactions with IV
administration of GO, which could be avoided by premedication with
acetaminophen and methylprednisolone. In previous reports, a variable
proportion of patients have been reported to develop clinically
apparent sinusoidal obstruction syndrome.[3-6,30-32] The cause is not really known, but it is likely due to the direct toxicity of the conjugate on Kuppfer cells.[33]
Endothelial lesions enhance vascular toxicity due to inflammatory state
and high doses of reactive oxygen species into Kupffer cells, which
express CD33. Symptoms usually arose within 5 to 20 days of the
infusion and could be influenced by prior therapies and hepatic
biological status. No sinusoidal obstruction syndromes were reported in
our series after GO infusion or after allogeneic HSCT following GO
therapy even when using conditioning regimen, including busulfan. The
good tolerance observed in our series confirmed results reported by the
MyloFrance-1 study[20] and could potentially be
explained by the use of GO at fractionated dosing. Toxicity was less
than expected since sinusoidal obstruction syndrome was generally
considered in 8.5% of cases.[2] Patients receiving GO should nevertheless be carefully monitored before, during, and after each course of treatment.
our study confirmed the efficacy and safety of GO-based chemotherapy in
a real-life setting. Interestingly patients who received GO after
relapse, assuming they did not previously receive allogeneic HSCT,
showed no significant difference in terms of response to therapy and
duration of response when compared to those who received GO as
front-line therapy. In relapsed/refractory patients, this schedule
should be used at the stage of the first relapse as a bridge to
allogeneic transplant, which might be performed when possible after MRD
negativization. These data need, however, to be confirmed in a larger
Author contributions
interpreted the data, drafted the manuscript, reviewed the manuscript,
and gave final approval; ME, AL and MR collected the data and provided
technical support; SL, MVL, FB, HL, SD and EW included patients; MH and
GF included patients and reviewed the manuscript; GS reviewed the
manuscript and gave final approval; XT included patients, collected the
data, conducted the statistical analysis, interpreted the data, and
wrote the manuscript.
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