Donato Rigante1,2.
1 Department of Life Sciences and Public Health, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Rome, Italy.
2 Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy.
Correspondence to: Donato Rigante, MD, PhD, Department of Life Sciences
and Public Health, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli
IRCCS, Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Rome, Largo A. Gemelli 8,
00168 Rome, Italy. Tel: +39 06 30154475. Fax +39 06 3383211. E-mail:
Published: July 1, 2020
Received: May 21, 2020
Accepted: June 17, 2020
Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2020, 12(1): e2020039 DOI
This is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
the etiology of Kawasaki disease (KD) remains elusive, the available
evidence indicates that the primum movens may be a dysregulated immune
response to various microbial agents, leading to cytokine cascade and
endothelial cell activation in patients with KD. Documented infections
by different viruses in many individual cases have been largely
reported and are discussed herein, but attempts to demonstrate their
causative role in the distinctive KD scenario and KD epidemiological
features have been disappointing. To date, no definite link has been
irrefutably found between a single infection and KD.
The History of Kawasaki Disease
60 years ago, dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki noted, for the first time, a
strange association of symptoms in a 4-year-old boy who was
hospitalized at the Chiba University. The child had prolonged high
fever, conjunctivitis, a widespread rash all over the body, and a
bright-red tongue. However, he could not explain that disease, thinking
to an allergy or any infectious diseases. Antibiotics were ineffective
in treating that boy's symptoms, which subsided only after two weeks,
also revealing specific desquamation of the fingers and toes. One year
later, another child was hospitalized with those same symptoms, and dr.
Kawasaki convinced himself that a mysterious illness could affect
children. In 1967 he published a 44-page report of all hospitalized
patients having that illness (that he named "acute febrile
mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome") in the Japanese journal "Arerugi",
usually dedicated to allergology, which was based on a diligent 6-year
observation of 50 patients.[1] The eponym of Kawasaki
disease (KD) was coined later, when an international journal offered a
large amount of space to the description of this illness.[2]
With some cases of sudden death occurring after an apparent resolution
of KD, the issue started to gain more and more attention by the
scientific community, and pediatric textbooks started to report on this
A Systemic Vasculitis is the Key to Explain Kawasaki Disease
plain terms, KD is a systemic vasculitis that mainly and typically
occurs in infants and children less than five years: the most ominous
complication of patients with KD is the occurrence of coronary artery
abnormalities (CAA).[3] For this reason, KD is actually the leading cause of acquired pediatric heart disease in the developed world.[4]
Many reports found that coronary arteritis occurred at the highest
incidence, but that vasculitis developed at various sites throughout
the body. Vascular lesions of KD may start in the tunica interna and
externa of medium-sized muscular arteries, such as the coronary
arteries, but also in arterioles, venules and capillaries, while
inflammation disseminates to large arteries including the coronary
arteries.[5,6] The media of affected vessels
demonstrates edematous dissociation of the smooth muscle cells, while
endothelial cell swelling and subendothelial edema are seen. An influx
of neutrophils can be observed in the early stages of KD, with a rapid
transition to large mononuclear cells in concert with lymphocytes and
IgA plasma cells. Destruction of the internal elastic lamina and an
eventual fibroblast proliferation can occur later. This active
inflammation is replaced over several weeks to months by progressive
fibrosis, with scar formation and remodeling.[7]
The Clinical Chameleon of Kawasaki Disease
classic diagnosis of KD has been historically based on the presence of
5 days of fever and a typical constellation of nonspecific clinical
signs described in 1967 by dr. Kawasaki: upholding the diagnosis of KD
requires that highly swinging fever is combined with at least 4 out of
5 "main" clinical features: [a] bilateral non-exudative conjunctivitis,
[b] unilateral cervical lymphadenopathy, [c] polymorphous rash, [d]
changes in the extremities (mainly in the form of angioedema) or in the
perineal region (an early-onset desquamating rash) and [e] changes in
the lips and/or oral cavity (dry fissured or reddened lips with a
strawberry-like tongue).[8] Although the clinical
clues of KD are easily recognizable, its underlying mechanisms are
under deep investigation and remain poorly understood. Treatment of KD
requires intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and aspirin during the first
ten days of illness, and its ultimate goal is avoiding the occurrence
of CAA.[9] Mostly in the case of resistance to IVIG,
inflammatory cells reach the vasa vasorum of coronary arteries with the
risk of fragmentation of the internal lamina and damage to the media,
resulting in the formation of CAA.[10] Higher values
of C-reactive protein and younger age at onset are crucial points in
determining respectively a failure in response to IVIG and a higher
risk that the disease could be complicated by CAA.[11]
Early ascertainment of non-responders to IVIG who might require
additional therapies reducing the development of CAA is still a
challenge.[12] With improved treatment methods and
different drugs useful for refractory cases, the mortality rate of KD
has dropped dramatically in recent years. However, despite increased
awareness, the number of patients with KD presenting with incomplete or
atypical features is increasing across the world. Incomplete cases of
KD are characterized by less than four main clinical signs and atypical
ones by a broad range of unusual clinical features, including aseptic
meningitis, peripheral facial nerve palsy, liver impairment with
jaundice, gallbladder hydrops, pneumonia-like disease, and even
macrophage activation syndrome.[13,14]
Different Potential Causes, One Resulting Disease
extensive research, the etiology of KD is far to be unraveled, and no
single pathognomonic clinical or laboratory finding for diagnosis has
been identified. Indeed, the occurrence of KD in epidemics, as shown by
nationwide epidemiologic surveys conducted with biennial frequency
since 1970, reveals a potential relationship of KD with an infectious
disease. A number of infectious agents, both bacterial and viral, have
been isolated from patients with KD through the years,[15] but also non-infectious triggers are presumed to cause the disease.[16]
Further KD characteristics such as high-grade fever, elevated
acute-phase reactants, and elevated white blood cell count strongly
suggest an infectious cause, and in particular, some characteristics
may suggest a viral etiology, such as the self-limited course of KD,
skin rash and conjunctivitis. A host of reports have clarified the
distinct seasonality of KD in geographically distinct regions of the
northern hemisphere, revealing that various triggers may be operating
at different times of the year in various geospatial clustering of KD
cases:[17] the seasonality of KD, with winter peaks
in Japan and winter-spring predominance in the USA or in many other
temperate areas, is highly suggestive of a viral etiology.[18]
Shimizu et al. found a seasonal effect also on the response to IVIG
treatment, with more patients manifesting resistance to IVIG in the
warm seasons from May to October, but no differences in the general
outcome of CAA.[19] Several epidemiological studies
have also demonstrated that KD is frequently associated with a previous
respiratory illness; however, no differences have been found in
children stratified according to positive or negative respiratory viral
testing; in fact, a positive test for respiratory viruses at the time
of presentation should not be used to exclude the diagnosis of KD.[20]
A Viral Infection to Switch on Kawasaki Disease
for papers dedicated to KD and published in the last 35 years through
PubMed (matching the terms "KD" and "virus" or "viral infection"), a
list of viral agents hypothetically associated with KD can be drawn
(see Table 1). Viral respiratory infections have been commonly found at the diagnosis of KD,[21] but they do not seem to affect patients' response to IVIG or influence the overall outcome.[22] The oldest reports date back to 1983 when rotavirus was found in the feces of children with KD[23] and to 1985 when parainfluenza virus and adenovirus were encountered.[24,25] A molecular-based adenovirus detection is relatively frequent in KD patients but should be interpreted with caution.[26]
Indeed, 24 out of 25 children with adenovirus disease mimicking
features of KD had a higher viral burden compared to those with KD and
incidental adenovirus detection.[27] Anecdotal reports had been associated KD to human herpesvirus-6, parvovirus B19 and cytomegalovirus.[28-31] However, the highest number of KD reports has been related to Epstein-Barr virus,[32,33] while KD cases with a concomitant infection caused by measles virus,[34] herpesvirus,[35] varicella-zoster virus,[36] influenza virus,[37,38] coxsackie virus,[39] and bocavirus are mostly isolated reports.[40]
In particular for bocavirus, its nucleic acid was found in the
nasopharyngeal, serum and stool samples from 5/16 (31.2%) patients with
KD by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR).[41]
A prospective study by Bajolle et al. revealed that bocavirus was
present in the serum of 3/32 (9%) and in the nasopharyngeal aspirate of
7/32 (21.8%) patients with KD, who probably had a previous bocavirus
infection heralding KD.[42] Metagenomic sequencing
and PCR detected torque teno virus 7 in only 2/11 (18%) patients with
KD prospectively evaluated for one year,[43] while the most recent reports have highlighted the association of KD with Epstein-Barr virus,[44] parvovirus B19[45] and influenza virus.[46]
Table 1. Viral agents associated with Kawasaki disease. |
The Outbreak of the New Coronavirus and Kawasaki Disease
latest outbreak of the new coronavirus (HCoV) infection (named
SARS-CoV-2) and the resulting pandemic threat to health worldwide has
required strict social containment measures since February 2020, but
has also spread the suspicion that this peculiar infection might
trigger KD. As a matter of fact, HCoV has been associated with many
reports of KD in the past: for instance, in a prospective
case-controlled study among Taiwanese children it was isolated in 7.1%
of cases.[47] In 2005 Esper et al. identified a novel
human HCoV, named "New Haven," in the respiratory secretions from 8/11
children with KD.[48] However, in Denver (Colorado,
USA) the prevalence of HCoV-NL63 infection was not higher in KD
patients compared with non-KD controls.[49] The
contribution of HCoV-229E infection in the development of KD was also
brought in question by Shirato et al., who used immunofluorescence
testing to detect virus-neutralizing antibodies in 15 patients with KD
before IVIG treatment.[50] The first case of KD
associated with a concomitant SARS-CoV-2 infection was a 6-month infant
hospitalized in Palo Alto (California, USA). However, the clinical
significance of patient's positive testing remained unclear in the
setting of KD.[51] Furthermore, a 5-year-old
Afro-American boy was found to have KD-related signs in Jackson
(Mississippi, USA) in combination with severe acute respiratory
distress and shock syndrome, referred to SARS-CoV-2 infection detected
via RT-PCR from his nasopharyngeal swab.[52] In April
2020, Verdoni et al. reported a 30-fold increased incidence of KD-like
syndrome in children living in the Bergamo province of Italy, after the
SARS-CoV-2 epidemic began in that same area, also showing higher rates
of heart involvement and general features of macrophage activation or
shock syndrome. The evidence of contact with the virus was confirmed by
the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in 8 out of 10 reported
patients.[53] This study had the limitation of being
based on a small case series, but suggested in-depth genetic analysis
to investigate the potential susceptibility to KD after a triggering
effect of SARS-CoV-2.
The Evidence about Viral Contributors to Kawasaki Disease
viruses may be confounding bystanders in many descriptions of KD.
However, intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies sharing morphologic features
among several different RNA viral families have been found in autoptic
tissues of patients deceased for KD.[54] Rowley et
al. speculated that the development of KD could follow ubiquitous RNA
viruses causing an asymptomatic infection or a very mild disease in the
vast majority of children, but specifically "KD" in a subset of
genetically selected people.[55] In addition, a pilot
study investigating KD pathogenesis revealed specific viral signatures
in 4/7 patients with KD via high-throughput sequencing on blood
specimens, although 2 were corresponding to their vaccinal history
(oral poliovirus and measles/mumps/rubella vaccine) and 2 to bocavirus
and rhinovirus, which could suggest a temporal association with the
disease.[56] Different studies have also found that
an imbalance in the gut microbiota might interfere with the normal
function of innate and adaptive immunity, and that variable microbiota
interactions with environmental factors, mainly infectious agents,
might drive the development of KD in a genetically susceptible child.[57] However, to date, no definite link has been irrefutably found between any viral agents and KD.
Conclusive Remarks
than half a century after its discovery, it is frustrating to admit
that KD is believed to be triggered by an infection, but that its
direct unequivocal cause is unclear. Besides, at the age of 95, dr.
Kawasaki remains very active and continues to support families with KD
children through different nonprofit organizations. New theories about
KD hypothesize that the disorder might be conceived as an
autoinflammatory condition,[58] in which inflammation
explodes without any involvement of autoimmune pathways and any sound
relationship with microbial agents.[59-61] Although
KD causal factors are still elusive, the available evidence indicates
that the primum movens may be a dysregulation of immune responses to
various infectious agents, i.e., a kind of immune-mediated "echo"
induced also by a viral infection. Even if several data might suggest
that KD is an infection-related clinical syndrome, which can develop
only in children with a predisposing genetic background, our knowledge
on both the infectious agents involved and genetic characteristics of
susceptible children remains poor. Understanding the molecular players
responsible for dysregulation of the immune response in KD will foster
the development of improved predictive tools and a more rational use of
therapeutic agents to decrease the risk of CAA in all children with KD.
In Memoriam
June 5, 2020 dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki passed away at the age of 95: the
news had a profound impact on many clinicians who dedicated their
professional lives studying Kawasaki disease. He was a true model to
all pediatricians, not only with regard to his clinical acumen but
especially concerning his vibrant humanity. This article is sincerely
dedicated to the memory of Tomisaku Kawasaki.
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