Gabriele Magliano1 and Andrea Bacigalupo1,2.
1 Sezione di Ematologia, Dipartimento di Scienze Radiologiche ed Ematologiche, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma.
Dipartimento di Diagnostica per Immagini, Radioterapia Oncologica ed
Ematologia, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Roma.
Published: November 1, 2020
Received: July 27, 2020
Accepted: October 18, 2020
Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2020, 12(1): e2020081 DOI
This is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
myeloid leukemia (AML) in patients over the age of 60 carries a poor
prognosis, mainly due to unsatisfactory control of leukemia with
chemotherapy alone. Allogeneic hemopoietic stem cell
transplantation (HSCT) would provide significant anti-leukemic effect
but is associated with morbidity and mortality, especially in older
patients with comorbidities. Reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) and
non-myeloablative (NMA) conditioning regimens have been designed and
have led to improved outcomes in this older patient population. New
targeted agents, such as Flt3 inhibitors, are currently being used to
improve the control of AML further and may be incorporated in a
transplant approach. The increasing knowledge of AML in the elderly is
currently being associated with a multidimensional approach to identify
eligibility and design tailored transplant platforms.
myeloid leukemia (AML) is a clonal disease of the hematopoietic system
with maturation arrest and accumulation of myeloid blasts.[1] AML presents in all age groups, but is mainly a disease of the elderly, the median age at diagnosis being 67 years.[2] The incidence of AML increases in older patients, with a peak at approximately 80 years of age.[3] The yearly incidence of new AML diagnoses is reported to be 17.6/100,000 for people 65 years of age or older.[4]
to the National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End
Results Program (SEER), there are 3000 new cases per year of AML in
patients aged 70 to 79 years in the United States (US).[4] This increased incidence in older adults is attributed to environmental exposures and age-related clonal hematopoiesis.[5]
Both animal and human models reveal many changes in aging stem cells,
such as genome instability, longer frequency in the cycle, and
shortening of telomere lengths.[6-8]
Old Patients with AML
Older age in AML has a significant impact on the disease's features and is associated with a poor outcome.[1,9]
A retrospective analysis of five trials, including 968 patients with
previously untreated AML, outlined several critical differences between
younger and older AML.[10] In older patients, AML
seems to present with lower white blood cell counts and lower
percentages of peripheral blasts, as reported in the United Kingdom
Medical Research Council (MRC) trials.[11,12]
percentage of patients with favorable cytogenetics drops from 17% in
patients younger than age 56 to 4% in patients older than 75 years,
while unfavorable cytogenetics increase from 35% to 51% in older
patients. This is due to a larger proportion of chromosomal
abnormalities involving chromosomes 5,7,17 and complex aberrant
karyotypes.[13,14] The likelihood of prolonged
survival is low for any patient with unfavorable cytogenetics,
regardless of age, whereas among patients with intermediate and good
risk cytogenetics- t(8;21) and inv(16)-, patients older than 65 seem to
do much worse than younger patients.[15]
recent multicentric review of 373 cases of core-binding factor confirms
that the incidence of drug resistance, as a cause of induction failure
and relapse following successful remission induction, increases
significantly with patient age.[16]
Finally, age
profoundly affects older patients with a poor ECOG performance status
(PS), whose early death rate may be very high.[10]
Prognosis and Initial Treatment
median survival for patients over the age of 60 years ranges from 6 to
10 months, with remission rates in the order of 40%, and overall
survival (OS) at one year is in the order of 15%.[9]
This dismal prognosis has been attributed to several factors: high
treatment-related mortality, up to 25%, a low complete remission (CR)
rate and a high risk of relapse. Several randomized trials have failed
to show improvement in standard therapy modifications with newer
treatment options.[17-18] No additional survival
benefit has been shown from more intensive post-remission therapy,
adding other agents, or from maintenance therapy. A very recent
randomized study has shown a statistically significant survival
advantage for Azacytidine over placebo as maintenance therapy after
remission induction:[19] it should be said that survival at five years was identical in the two arms.
Allogeneic Hemopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT)
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), with its graft versus
leukemia (GVL) effect, may offer long-term disease-free survival (DFS)
in older patients with AML.[20] The development of
reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) and non-myeloablative (NMA)
regimens, together with improvement in supportive care, has broadened
HSCT's application to include older adults. Currently, 22% of
allogeneic HSCT recipients for malignant diseases are older than 60
years,[21] and allogeneic HSCT has significantly increased also above the age of 70.[21]
despite increasing patients' age in transplantation, only 6% of AML
patients over 60 years undergo an allograft in the USA,[22] and also HLA typing is still performed in reduced numbers.[23]
This indicates that many Hematology Units are unwilling to seriously
consider an allogeneic HSCT as a treatment option for older patients
with AML.
Conditioning Regimens in Older AML
(MA) conditioning regimens have been traditionally the curative
approach for patients with hematologic malignancies and incorporate
alkylating agents with or without total body irradiation (TBI) at doses
that do not allow autologous stem cell recovery.[24]
Control of the underlying disease is usually good, but
transplant-related mortality (TRM) is high in adults over 60 years of
age, in the order of 40%.[25]
On the other hand, NMA regimens, as well as RIC regimens, preserve GVL with a relatively low TRM.[26]
One of these NMA regimens combines low dose TBI (2 Gy) and fludarabine
and has been widely used in older patients: in a large multicenter
study on 372 patients aged 60–75 years, the 5-year cumulative
incidences of TRM and relapse were 27% and 41%, and the 5-year OS 35%.[27]
dose cyclophosphamide (45 mg/kg instead of the conventional 120 mg/kg)
was used in another study, in 56 patients with AML (n = 41) and MDS (n
= 15): TRM was 9% and DFS 45%.[28] Indeed significantly reduced TRM may favorably affect the OS of older patients with comorbidities.
large retrospective study from the Center for International Blood and
Marrow Transplantation Research (CIBMTR) included 545 AML patients,
aged 40-79 in the first remission, who underwent a RIC HSCT:[29] there was no impact of age on TRM, DFS, and OS. The 2-year OS in the age groups 60–64 and 65 years or over was 34% and 36%.[29] A meta-analysis of 14 studies, including 749 AML patients allografted with RIC regimens, showed a 35% 3-year DFS,[30] with a plateau of the relapse curves beyond one year.
Comparing Myeloablative Regimens with NMA or RIC
extensive retrospective analysis from the European Group for Blood and
Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) compared RIC and MAC regimens in older
AML patients: RIC was associated with decreased TRM (HR, 0.64), similar
relapse risk (HR, 1.34), and similar DFS (HR, 1.04).[31] A similar analysis, again only in AML patients, was conducted by the CIBMTR[32]
and included NMA, RIC, and MAC regimens: NMA resulted in inferior 5
years OS survival (26%), as compared to similar OS of RIC (33%) and MAC
(34%), mainly due to an excess of relapse. Therefore, it is possible
that one can reduce the intensity of the conditioning to some extent,
but a certain degree of tumor-ablation is required for long-term
disease-free survival in AML.
Donor Type
AML patients are bound to have an older sibling, so, given a choice,
who should we choose: an old HLA identical sibling or a young matched
unrelated donor. A
retrospective EBMT study was performed in 714 AML patients, aged 55
years and over, grafted from a matched unrelated donor (MUD) (median
age 35 years) or an HLA identical matched sibling donor (MSD) (median
age 61 years):[33] there was no significant
difference in 3-year TRM (17% versus 23%; p = 0.17), relapse rate (37%
versus 30%; p = 0.12), and OS (49% in both).[33]
Single Center studies have led to discrepant results, sometimes
favoring a young unrelated donor's choice over an older matched
sibling.[34] Haploidentical family donors (HAPLO) and
unrelated cord blood (CB) units are additional options for patients who
lack an HLA related or unrelated donor:[35,36] in a
study from Seattle, patients with minimal residual disease (MRD) at
transplant did better after a UCB transplant as compared to an
unrelated transplant, mainly due to a lower risk of relapse.[35]
In a prospective study from Minnesota, 98 patients with AML aged 55
years or over underwent a RIC HSCT using a matched sibling donor or an
unrelated CB unit. There were 26 AML patients in the sibling donor
group and 44 in the CB group: there was no difference in OS, relapse
rate, and TRM.[36] Cord blood HSCT recipients had a lower incidence of chronic GVHD at 2-years post-transplant (61 versus 33%).[36]HAPLO
donors are being widely used worldwide after the demonstration that
post-transplant cyclophosphamide (PT-.CY), combined with a calcineurin
inhibitor (CNI) and mycophenolate (MMF), can effectively protect
patients from acute and chronic GvHD.[37]A CIBMTR study compared HAPLO donors with MUD in AML patients and found no difference in the main outcomes.[38]
One advantage of selecting a HAPLO donor, compared to an unrelated
donor, is the immediate availability of a family member. Therefore
family HLA typing should be performed upfront: in the absence of a
suitable HLA identical sibling, a matched unrelated donor and family
haploidentical donors may be considered. Unrelated cord blood units can
also be considered as an alternative stem cell source.
Graft versus Host Disease
and chronic GvHD remain major obstacles to successful HSCT, which is
more so in patients over the age of 60. HLA matching is known to
influence the risk of GvHD, although in the CIBMTR study in AML,
comparing HAPLO and MUD grafts, there was more cGvHD in MUD
transplants:[38] of note is the fact that HAPLO
grafts were protected with PTCY, a CNI, and MMF, whereas MUD grafts
received a conventional CNI, methotrexate prophylaxis with or without
anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG).[38] Therefore, donor
type and stem cell source and GvHD prophylaxis must be taken into
account. When it comes to age, donors and recipients age may both be
relevant for the risk of developing GvHD. We have recently reviewed our
GvHD data in patients receiving unmanipulated bone marrow transplants
from HAPLO donor, with PTCY, CNI, and MMF as GvHD prophylaxis: older
donors and older recipients had significantly increased acute (41% vs.
13%) and increased chronic GvHD (29% vs. 11%).[39]
Therefore it is probably safe to envisage an effective combination of
drugs for GvHD prophylaxis in older patients with AML when an
allogeneic transplant is considered. In addition, age may influence not
only the risk of developing GvHD but also, as expected, the probability
of surviving once GvHD has developed.[40]
Transplant Related Mortality
infections, the toxicity of the conditioning regimen, and the worsening
of pre-existing conditions contribute to transplant-related mortality
(TRM): this is the argument against an allogeneic HSCT, especially in
older patients with AML. TRM has been significantly reduced over the
past decades, such that a decrease in the hazards of day 200 TRM by 60%
was reported in one study,[41] and reduced 2-year cumulative incidence of TRM from 34% to 6% in another study.[42]
Despite the improvement, older age currently remains a strong predictor
of TRM, especially on patients over the age of 60 with GvHD.[40]
One measure which may be taken into consideration in older AML patients
is reducing the number of chemotherapy courses: in a German study in
AML, patients receiving one course of chemotherapy followed immediately
by an allogeneic HSCT had a remission rate of 91%, with a best
survival; on the other hand, repeated courses of chemotherapy only
resulted in a higher TRM, with no benefit on leukemia control.[43]
Indeed more chemotherapy implies prolonged periods of neutropenia and
incomplete hematologic recovery, and these patients may come to
transplant already infected. A new strategy for older AML patients
would be one course of induction chemotherapy followed by an allogeneic
HSCT: we are currently testing this hypothesis in a prospective trial
( Identifier: NCT03902665).
Is Allogeneic HSCT the Best Post-Remission Therapy for Older Patients with AML?
remission induction, allogeneic HSCT provides an advantage for AML
patients compared to other forms of consolidation therapy. This has
been clearly shown for patients under the age of 40, in a donor- no
donor analysis, but less so in the older age group.[44]
In a more recent Dutch study, the median OS for 68 older AML patients,
consolidated with a RIC allogeneic HSCT, was 65 months, compared to 8
months for 287 patients who did not proceed to transplant.[45]
Similar results were obtained in the AML15 MRC trial, with a survival
advantage for older patients receiving a RIC transplant over
chemotherapy: the 5-year survival was 59% for RIC transplants from
HLA-matched siblings, 49% from unrelated donors, and 36% for
chemotherapy.[46] These data, taken together, suggest
that allogeneic HSCT remains the most potent anti-leukemic
post-remission therapy. The GvL effect is also exerted in older
patients, but conditioning regimens must be tailored in order to
minimize transplant-related complications; otherwise, the benefit of
reduced leukemia relapse is lost. To answer whether this is the best
post-remission therapy, one would need a prospective randomized study
Older AML Patients Beyond the First Remission
first remission (CR1), HSCT is associated with increased TRM, higher
incidence of relapse, and worse survival. Recently the presence of a
positive minimal residual disease (MRD) at transplant has been shown to
be a strong predictor of outcome.[1,35] In an EBMT study DFS at 2 years
was 65% for patients undergoing transplantation in CR1 (n = 1,410)
versus 51% for those undergoing transplantation in second complete
remission (CR2) (n = 249; P < .001).[47] In the
same study, selecting only CR1 patients, the 2-year LFS was 65% for
molecular CR1 and 55% for MRD-positive patients, respectively (P =
.02). In a study by the Houston group in AML over 65 years of age,
survival was excellent (76%) for patients grafted with a negative MRD,
whereas poor outcome (8% survival) was seen for patients grafted with
overt leukemia or a positive MRD.[48] The Seattle
data show the same risk of relapse for patients with overt leukemia and
patients with MRD+ before an allogeneic HSCT.[1]Therefore,
the disease phase is a significant predictor of AML patients' outcome
and calls for careful identification of residual disease before the
transplant. The choice of an appropriate conditioning regimen,
effective GvHD prophylaxis, and donor selection, in other words, the
choice of a given transplant platform, may also encourage results in
older AML patients with advanced disease, as shown in a recent study.[49]
Exceeding the Limit of 70 Years of Age
majority of data available on allografting for older AML patients
involves patients 65 years or under, while limited data exist regarding
patients transplanted in their eighth decade. Their number has risen
every year since 2000: patients ≥70 years now represent nearly 4% of
allogeneic HSCT recipients.[50]The
EBMT has compared the outcome of 713 AML patients aged ≥70 years to
16161 patients aged 50 to 69 years who underwent HSCT between 2004 and
2014.[51] Acute and chronic GvHD were comparable in
the two age groups. TRM was higher in the older patients (34% vs. 24%),
and overall 2-year survival was lower (38% versus 50%). However, when
selecting only active disease patients, the two-year survival was
comparable 35% and 33%.[51] This study on a large
number of patients suggests that 70 years is not an insurmountable
barrier, and again selection of patients and selection of the
transplant platform needs to be taken into account.
The Role of Cytogenetics
has been increasing knowledge of the predictive role of cytogenetics in
allogeneic HSCT. In a study on 54 older AML patients undergoing an
allogeneic HSCT, 46% had adverse cytogenetic risk:[52]
the 2-year OS rates were significantly higher for patients with
favorable/intermediate cytogenetics compared with patients with
unfavorable cytogenetics (53% versus 30%, respectively), and 1-year DFS
was 60% versus 26%. Intermediate cytogenetic risk AML/MDS had a
decreased risk of TRM.[52] As expected, the incidence
of relapse for AML/MDS patients with favorable/intermediate
cytogenetics was significantly lower compared with patients with
unfavorable cytogenetics or other diseases (35%versus 68%).
Interestingly, age and hematopoietic cell transplantation comorbidity
index (HCT-CI) were not significant predictors for those endpoints.The
more unsatisfactory outcome seen in patients with adverse risk
cytogenetics is a problem since the conditioning regimen cannot be
intensified, and prophylactic cellular therapies may risk GvHD.
Targeted Therapy and HSCT
different approach would be to use targeted therapy before and/or after
transplantation. The German cooperative group has completed a small
randomized trial to test whether sorafenib, a Flt3 inhibitor, would be
beneficial if given post-transplant in Flt3+ AML:[53] with a median follow up of 42 months, the hazard ratio (HR) for relapseor
death in the sorafenib-group versus placebo-group was 0.39 (p=0.013),
and the 24-months probability of relapse was 47% with placebo versus
15% with sorafenib (HR=0.256,log-rank p=0.002).[53]
Patients with undetectable MRD prior to HSCT and those with detectable
MRD after HSCT had the strongest benefit from sorafenib treatment. TRM was comparable in the two groups.[53]
Gilteritinib, a highly selective, oral FLT3 inhibitor with activity
against both FLT3 mutation subtypes (ITD and TKD), was tested in
patients with relapsed/ refractory AML: significantly more patients in
the gilteritinib group proceeded to an allogeneic HSCT, as compared to
the placebo (25% vs. 15%, p=0.02), and also showed a survival
advantage.[54] Trials of gilteritinib as part of
first-line induction or consolidation therapy and post-HSCT maintenance
therapy are underway to assess the best timing for anti-FLT3
intervention to improve treatment outcomes.These
novel treatment strategies, aiming to induce MRD-negativity before
HSCT, might synergize with post HSCT maintenance, hopefully even in the
older population.
Geriatric Assessment in older AML
status and medical comorbidities, rather than chronological age, appear
to predict for outcomes in patients with AML receiving RIC allogeneic
transplants.[29] Geriatric oncology has been using a
comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) as a standardized tool to
evaluate health status in older patients for more than a decade, and
this is now being applied to allogeneic HSCT.[55] CGA
is a multidisciplinary evaluation that focuses on interventions on the
main comorbidities and predicts morbidity and mortality in general
oncology practice. This approach appears to be suitable, if not
mandatory, when the decision to allograft an older patient with AML is
made to make individualization and focus on disease status,
comorbidity, donor type, regimen, and center experience.[55]
Age, performance status, and, more recently, comorbidity have been the
most common parameters used by transplantation physicians to verify the
suitability for HSCT.[56] The Sorror comorbidity
index (HCT-CI) has been designed to assess TRM's risk before an
allogeneic HSCT and is based on several comorbidities extracted from
the medical history and objective testing.[57] This scoring system has been validated in an independent cohort of patients:[58] the combination of a high Sorror score (>5) and the age over 60 results in a high risk of TRM.[58]The
comorbidity score can be integrated with a geriatric assessment in
patients over the age of 60, and more so over the age of 70 to better
tailor the intensity of the conditioning regimen and the type of GvHD
survival in AML patients over 60 years of age remains a primary unmet
medical need. In the last ten years, these patients' approaches have
gone from avoiding allogeneic transplantation, a "threatening option",
to considering it a fundamental procedure to induce prolonged
remissions or cure. It remains the procedure with the most significant
anti-leukemia effect, but transplant morbidity and mortality remain a
burden. Encouraging results are obtained, especially avoiding repeated
courses of chemotherapy before transplantation. Improvements
in the conditioning regimens and the donor's choice and improvement in
supportive care have had a positive impact on the outcome.Understanding
the "biological" age rather than the chronological age is an area of
active investigation. Assessment of quality of life endpoints,
function, and symptoms in older adult survivors of HSCT is also
important. New
protocols are being designed to reduce leukemia relapse after HSCT, a
major cause of failure, and include genetically engineered donor
lymphocyte infusions, early tapering of immunosuppression, and MRD
monitoring before and after HSCT, maintenance therapy post-HSCT, and
targeted therapy. On
top of these, possibly early transplantation may represent a simple and
effective way of bringing to transplant a larger proportion of patients
with AML. Figure 1 outlines a
theoretical approach for older patients with AML: risk stratification
should identify intermediate and high risk AML, and CGA assessment
would then select fit patients; HLA typing and induction therapy would
follow, with the possible identification of a suitable donor; an
allogeneic HSCT could be performed as early as possible. The advantage
of an early transplant would be to avoid prolonged and repeated periods
of neutropenia and possibly prevent chemo/radioresistance of the
leukemic cells.
1. Older patients with AML are assessed for biologic and geriatric
classification; HLA typing and induction is carried out for CGA FIT
patients; as soon as a suitable donor is identified , patients should
proceed to HSCT:AML=acute myeloid leukemia; Low risk AML=according to
ELN2017 guidelines; intermediate high risk AML; CGA comprehensive
geriatric assessment; FIT, UNFIT, FRAIL=three categories of CGA; HLA
human leukocyte antigen; HSCT=Hemopoietic stem cell transplant;
suitable donor=HLA identical sibling; HLA identical unrelated donor;
family haploidentical donor; partially mismatched unrelated donor, cord
blood unit.
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