Yuzhan Chen1,2, Qitian Mu3 and Guifang Ouyang1.
1 Department of Hematology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China.
2 Health Science Center, Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China.
3 Laboratory of Stem Cell Transplantation, The First Affiliated Hospital of Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China.
Correspondence to:
Guifang Ouyang. Department of Hematology, The First Affiliated Hospital
of Ningbo University, No.59 Liu-Ting Road, Ningbo, 315000 P.R. China.
Published: January 01, 2025
Received: September 28, 2024
Accepted: December 14, 2024
Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2025, 17(1): e2025003 DOI
This is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Previous observational studies have suggested a potential causal relationship between Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)
infection and immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). However, the evidence for
causal inference remains contentious, and the underlying mechanisms
require further investigation. To delve deeper into the relationship
between H. pylori and ITP, we conducted a Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis. Method:
In this study, we used two-sample Mendelian Randomization (MR) to
assess the causality of seven different specific protein antibodies
targeting H. pylori on ITP. 76 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) related to H. pylori
antibody levels were obtained from the European Bioinformatics
Institute (EBI). Summary data on ITP was obtained from the FinnGen
database, and inverse variance weighted (IVW) analysis was identified
as our main method. The reliability of the findings was ensured by
performing many sensitivity analyses. Result: Genetically predicted serum levels of H. pylori
GroEL antibodies were positively associated with an increased risk of
ITP (odds ratio [OR] = 1.802, 95% CI 1.106–2.936, P = 0.01799). No
causal relationship was found between other H. pylori antibodies and
ITP. Conclusion: The
outcomes derived from our two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis
demonstrate a discernible link between the levels of H. pylori
GroEL antibodies and an augmented susceptibility to ITP. However, it is
imperative to expand the sample size further in order to corroborate
the correlation between H. pylori infection and ITP.
thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by
isolated thrombocytopenia, ranging from asymptomatic to
life-threatening bleeding manifestations, as well as the potential risk
of venous thromboembolism.[1] The pathophysiological
mechanisms of ITP are exceedingly intricate. Current perspectives
suggest that platelets coated with autoantibodies are prematurely
destroyed via Fcγ receptors. Additionally, self-antibodies induce
complement-mediated platelet destruction and inhibit megakaryocyte
function.[2,3] However, in approximately 50% of
patients, platelet antibodies cannot be detected, raising the
possibility of alternative mechanisms of platelet destruction. The
dysfunctional activity of T cells may perhaps be one of the pathogenic
mechanisms underlying ITP.[4] Currently, the treatment
of ITP encompasses addressing not only the issue of active bleeding but
also includes Glucocorticoids, Thrombopoietin-Receptor Agonists,
Immunomodulators, and splenectomy.[1] Furthermore, the
the immune thrombocytopenia has been divided in a primary form and
secondary forms, among them a few infections play a significant role.[5,6]
Helicobacter pylori infection is a prevalent and typically lifelong condition occurring worldwide.[7] While most infected individuals remain asymptomatic, infection with H. pylori
is associated with various digestive system disorders, notably peptic
ulcers, non-ulcer dyspepsia, and gastric cancer. Furthermore, numerous
extraintestinal diseases are also associated with H. pylori infection. For instance, its infection shares risk factors similar to those of coronary artery disease.[8] There is also research indicating its association with idiopathic iron deficiency anemia.[9]
In the realm of ITP, prior research has indicated that successful
treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection can lead to an increase in
platelet count, suggesting an association between Helicobacter pylori
infection and the onset of ITP. However, the underlying mechanism
remains unclear.[10] It is noteworthy that existing studies regarding the causal relationship between ITP and H. pylori
are all observational, inherently bearing significant limitations.
These studies are susceptible to confounding factors, reverse
causality, or other biases arising from unmeasured or inaccurately
measured variables. The causal relationship between Helicobacter pylori
infection and ITP still lacks definitive evidence. Our study is crucial
for gaining a clearer understanding of the association between
Helicobacter pylori and ITP.
Mendelian randomization (MR) is a
robust approach that utilizes one or multiple genetic variants, such as
SNPs, to investigate the relationship between exposure and outcome.
Through MR, these biases common in observational studies can be
mitigated by leveraging genetic variables as proxies for exposure to
confirm the causal association of risk factors with the disease.[11] This study employs a two-sample Mendelian randomization analysis to investigate whether current or past H. pylori infection increases the risk of developing ITP, providing valuable insights for clinical practice.
Material and Methods
Mendelian randomization design. A two-sample MR analysis was conducted to evaluate the causality of antibody levels against H. pylori
on ITP. Three core assumptions are used to determine the genetic
instrumental variables (IVs) at the center of the MR analysis (Figure 1). Firstly, genetic tools should exhibit a strong correlation with H. pylori antibody levels.
- Figure 1. Three core assumptions of the MR analysis.
Secondly, SNPs should not be associated with confounding factors that could influence the occurrence of ITP and the H. pylori antibody. Lastly, IVs should only exert their effects through H. pylori antibody levels and not through other pathways.
Data source. The data used for this analysis were sourced from previously published GWAS. H. pylori infection was defined based on the measurement of serum-specific antibodies targeting H. pylori
proteins, incorporating data from seven different antibody
measurements. We obtained serum-specific antibody levels for seven H. pylori
proteins from the IEU OpenGWAS project, namely IgG, CagA, VacA, UREA,
OMP, Catalase, and GroEL, including 16,404 European individuals. We
sourced the ITP-GWAS summary-level data from the FinnGen consortium’s
R7 release, which included 605 ITP cases and 304,806 controls.[12]
The FinnGen study is a large-scale genomics initiative that has
analyzed over 500,000 Finnish biobank samples and correlated genetic
variation with health data to understand disease mechanisms and
predispositions. The project is a collaboration between research
organizations and biobanks within Finland and international industry
Instrument selection. When selecting IVs, as no SNPs met the criteria after setting the p-value threshold to 5 x 10-8, we adjusted it to 5 x 10-6. This threshold has also been utilized in previous MR studies.[13] The linkage disequilibrium (LD) threshold between the SNPs was fixed as r2
< 0.001 (within a window size of 10,000 kb) based on the reference
panel data from 1,000 Genomes Project European samples (phase 3) to
retain the independent SNPs with the lowest P-values. Then, a
sensitivity analysis was conducted to prevent distortion from allele
coding or strand orientation, where palindromic SNPs (for example,
with G/C or A/T alleles) were taken forward to be ruled out. Weak
instrument bias could lead to misleading estimates of causal effects.
For missing values, we selected appropriate proxy SNPs from LDlink (https://ldlink.nih.gov/).
Additionally, to address potential horizontal pleiotropy and exclude
the presence of potential confounders, we assessed the association of
IVs with any confounding factors using the GWAS Catalog (ebi.ac.uk). We assessed the strength of instrumental variables (IVs) using the formula F=β2 exposure/SE2 exposure).[14]
If the corresponding F-statistic was larger than 10, this indicated
sufficient strength to ensure the validity of IVs. Using the
aforementioned methods, we successfully identified a total of 76 SNPs.
Statistical analysis. We conducted several analyses based on the two-sample MR framework to investigate the potential causal correlation between H. pylori
antibody and ITP, including weighted median, MR-Egger regression,
inverse-variance weighted (IVW), weighted mode, and simple mode. The
IVW approach was used as the primary analysis, assuming that all SNPs
were valid but vulnerable to horizontal pleiotropy. The MR-Egger
intercept test was employed to identify pleiotropy, where P>0.05
indicates no significant difference, thus suggesting the absence of
Additionally, sensitivity analyses were conducted,
utilizing MR-PRESSO to detect and correct for the impact of outliers in
the data. The primary IVW and MR-Egger methods were evaluated for
heterogeneity. Cochran’s Q-statistic was employed to ascertain whether
IVs exhibited heterogeneity, with a P-value > 0.05 indicating there
was no heterogeneity. The leave-one-out analysis was employed to ensure
that the results remain uninfluenced by individual-biased SNPs.
Statistical analyses and data visualizations were performed utilizing R
version 4.3.2. Mendelian randomization analyses were performed using
the Two Sample MR Package, version 0.6.0.
We selected genome-wide significant SNPs with P<5x10-6. Then, we eliminated SNPs in linkage disequilibrium (r2
< 0.001 within a window size of 10,000 kb) and unreconciled
palindromic SNPs, leaving us with 76 SNPs of the antibody levels of H. pylori IgG, CagA, VacA, UREA, hydrogen peroxide enzyme, OMP, and GroEL. (Supplementary Table 1)
Subsequent MR-PRESSO analysis confirmed the absence of outliers among
these SNPs. After excluding palindromic SNPs, we conducted MR analyses
using five methods to assess the relationship between these H. pylori antibodies and ITP. The results indicated a significant association between H. pylori GroEL antibodies and the risk of ITP under the IVW method. (odds ratio [OR] = 1.802, 95% CI 1.106–2.936, P = 0.01799)(Figures 2 and 3)
To address the issue of horizontal pleiotropy, MR-Egger regression was
employed to validate horizontal pleiotropy. The results indicated that
all P-values were greater than 0.05, suggesting the absence of
horizontal pleiotropy in the instrumental variables (IVs) utilized. In
the MR analysis of GroEL, the intercept of MR-Egger was -0.00047
(P=0.9970). The leave-one-out analysis did not reveal any influential
IVs affecting the outcomes, suggesting the reliability of the results.
Subsequently, the Cochran Q-test was employed to assess the
heterogeneity of this study. The results indicated that all P> 0.1,
suggesting an overall absence of heterogeneity. Regarding the analysis
of GroEL, the Cochran Q-test yielded P-values of 0.75 for MR-Egger and
0.95 for IVW.
Figure 2. The result of the MR analysis. |
Figure 3. The effect of anti- H. pylori GroEL on ITP. (A) Forest plot, (B) Leave-one-out sensitivity analysis, (C) Scatter plot, (D) funnel plot.
1998, a study from Italy reported that among 11 ITP patients who
underwent H. pylori eradication, 8 patients experienced a significant
increase in platelet count, with autoantibodies against platelets
disappearing in 6 of them.[15] In subsequent observational and retrospective studies, approximately 50% of ITP patients with H. pylori infection experienced a significant increase in platelet count after eradication of H. pylori.[16]
In these studies, the response time of platelet count restoration
following eradication therapy varies. In one report, platelet recovery
was observed as early as 3 days after eradication.[17]
Most studies assess platelet count levels starting one month after
eradication therapy. While previous observational studies have indeed
demonstrated an increase in platelet counts in ITP patients after
eradicating H. pylori,
the precise mechanism remains elusive. Moreover, due to the presence of
confounding factors, observational studies carry a degree of
uncertainty. MR is founded on the assumption that genetic variations in
humans occur at random in the population, are sufficiently independent
of confounders, and can be identified as instrumental variables to
evaluate the causal relationship between exposure and outcome. In this
study, we have uncovered compelling evidence through MR analysis,
establishing a definitive causal relationship between H. pylori infection and the occurrence of ITP. Among the European population, the antibodies produced due to H. pylori
infection, specifically GroEL, are directly correlated with the
incidence of ITP. In the European population, the production of GroEL
antibodies following H. pylori infection is directly associated with the occurrence of ITP.
There is considerable research on the mechanism of improving the condition of ITP patients by eradicating H. pylori.
Some studies suggest that macrolide antibiotics, including
clarithromycin (commonly present in eradication regimens), exhibit
anti-inflammatory properties. This action could potentially ameliorate
platelet autoreactivity in ITP by inhibiting the production of
proinflammatory cytokines.[18] Some studies suggest
that antibacterial agents used to treat Helicobacter pylori can
eradicate symbiotic bacteria responsible for cross-reacting platelet
antibodies. However, systematic reviews have confirmed that the
therapeutic effect of eradicating H. pylori
in ITP is indeed due to bacterial eradication rather than the treatment
itself. Actually, platelet reactions are rarely observed in uninfected
patients or those with persistent infections.[19]
The GroEL antibody may possess distinct biological effects directly linked to the immune response following H. pylori infection. Studies have indicated that GroEL, as a critical component of H. pylori
heat shock proteins, plays a pivotal role in eliciting host immune
responses. It is also associated with inflammation and autoimmune
reactions, which may have a specific role in the pathogenesis of ITP.[20,21]
Several mechanisms have been proposed to elucidate the connection between H. pylori and ITP.
particular, antibodies against the CagA protein have been shown to
cross-react with platelet antigens, resulting in accelerated platelet
clearance.[22] The expression of CagA contributes to
shifting the Th1/Th2 balance in favor of Th1 by a variety of mechanisms
involving induction of lymphocyte cell-cycle arrest, and chronic ITP is
also associated with a polarized Th1 type.[23,24]
While in our study, the levels of CagA antibodies did not exhibit a
strong correlation with ITP, it is noteworthy that the CagA positivity
of H. pylori varies geographically. For example, in Japan, where both
infection rates and response rates to eradication therapy are high,
most H. pylori strains express CagA, whereas the proportion of
CagA-positive strains in Western countries is much lower.[25,26]
Moreover, there are structural differences between the Western and East
Asian types of CagA. Western strains are characterized by CagA protein,
which consists of Glu-Pro-Ile-Tyr-Ala (EPIYA) sites A and B, followed
by multiple EPIYA-C.[27] However, Asian H. pylori strains are generally characterized by expressing CagA with sites of EPIYA-D.[28]
Our study's data is derived from European populations, which may
introduce a degree of population bias. For instance, regional
variations in H. pylori
strains and antigen expression could limit the generalizability of the
findings to other populations. Moreover, the diagnostic criteria for
ITP may vary across different databases. Future research should
incorporate data from diverse regions and populations to validate these
Compared to the expensive conventional treatments for ITP, eradicating H. pylori
is cost-effective and minimally toxic, and its diagnostic methods are
non-invasive, making it a treatment worth considering. Particularly in
East Asian countries with high treatment response rates, routine
screening for H. pylori in ITP patients is even more worthy of
consideration. Our MR study revealed a significant correlation between
GroEL antibodies and the occurrence of ITP in the European population.
Subsequent research endeavors will necessitate further investigation on
an expanded sample size.
In summary, this Mendelian randomization study highlights a significant causal relationship between H. pylori
GroEL antibodies and the risk of developing ITP in a European
population. These findings underscore the importance of considering H. pylori
eradication as a potential therapeutic strategy for ITP, particularly
given the cost-effectiveness and low toxicity of the intervention.
However, the study also recognizes the limitations imposed by
population-specific factors and the lack of significant associations
with other H. pylori
antibodies. Future research, to solidify these findings and further
explore the underlying mechanisms, should involve larger and more
diverse populations investigating the role of different H. pylori
strains in ITP pathogenesis. These efforts will contribute to the
development of targeted and effective management strategies for
patients with ITP.
The authors would like to thank all participants and investigators who contributed to the GWAS data.
Data availability
The present study is based on freely available summary statistics from genome-wide association studies. Data regarding H. pylori antibodies are from IEU OpenGWAS (IEU OpenGWAS project (mrcieu.ac.uk)). Summary-level data for ITP can be found at https://finngen.gitbook.io/documentation/
research was supported by the Medical Science and Technology Project of
Zhejiang (2021KY273) and the Science and Technology Plan Project of
Ningbo (2022S032)
Authors' contributions
made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the
work, analyzed the data, and drafted the manuscript. OG and QM made
substantial contributions to the design of the study, revised the
manuscript, and confirmed the authenticity of all raw data.
Ethics approval
is not applicable since the study is based on summary-level data. In
all original studies, ethical approval and consent to participate were
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Supplementary Files
S1 Figure. Scatter plot. (A) HP-CagA and ITP; (B) HP-Catalase and ITP; (C) HP-IgG and ITP; (D) HP-OMP and ITP; (E) HP-UREA and ITP; (F) HP-VacA and ITP. |
S2 Figure. Funnel plot. (A)
HP-CagA and ITP; (B) HP-Catalase and ITP; (C) HP-IgG and ITP; (D)
HP-OMP and ITP; (E) HP-UREA and ITP; (F) HP-VacA and ITP |
S3 Figure. Leave-one-out sensitivity analysis. (A)
HP-CagA and ITP; (B) HP-Catalase and ITP; (C) HP-IgG and ITP; (D)
HP-OMP and ITP; (E) HP-UREA and ITP; (F) HP-VacA and ITP |
S4 Figure. Forest plot. (A) HP-CagA and ITP; (B) HP-Catalase and ITP; (C) HP-IgG and ITP; (D) HP-OMP and ITP; (E) HP-UREA and ITP; (F) HP-VacA and ITP |
S1 Table. Instrumental variables used in MR analysis of the association between HP antibody and ITP