Vincenzo de Sanctis1, Duran Canatan2, Shahina Daar3, Christos Kattamis4 (Steering Committee), Atanas Banchev5, Iskra Modeva6, Irene Savvidou7, Soteroula Christou7, Antonis Kattamis8, Polyxeni Delaporta8, Stavroula Kostaridou-Nikolopoulou9, Mehran Karimi10, Forough Saki11, Mohammad Faranoush12, Saveria Campisi13, Carmelo Fortugno14, Francesco Gigliotti14, Yasser Wali15, Saif Al Yaarubi16, Mohamed A. Yassin17, Ashraf T Soliman18, Dulani Kottahachchi19, Erdal Kurtoğlu20, Suheyla Gorar21, Doga Turkkahraman22, Sule Unal23, Yesim Oymak24, Defne Ay Tuncel25, Zeynep Karakas26, Nurdan Gül27, Melek Yildiz28, Ihab Elhakim29 and Ploutarchos Tzoulis30 (Participants).
Coordinator of ICET-A Network (International Network of Clinicians for
Endocrinopathies in Thalassemia and Adolescence Medicine), Ferrara,
2 Antalya Bilim University and Antalya Genetic Diseases Assessment Center, Antalya, Turkey
3 Department of Hematology, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman.
4 First Department of Pediatrics, National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
5 Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, University Hospital “Tzaritza Giovanna - ISUL”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
6 Endocrinology Department, Specialised Pediatric Hospital, Sofia, Bulgaria.
7 Thalassemia Unit, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Thalassemia Unit, Division of Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, First
Department of Pediatrics, University of Athens, "Agia Sofia" Children's
Hospital, Athens, Greece.
9 General Hospital Paidon Pentelis, Athens, Greece.
10 Pediatric Hematology Oncology Department, American Hospital, Dubai, UAE:
11 Shiraz Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Center, Shiraz, Iran.
Pediatric Growth and Development Research Center, Institute of
Endocrinology, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
13 UOSD Thalassemia, Umberto I° Hospital, Siracusa, Italy.
Department of Pediatric Oncohematology, Regional Center for
Thalassemia, Hemoglobinopathies and Prenatal Diagnosis," Renato
Dulbecco" Hospital, Catanzaro, Italy.
15 Child Health Department, Sultan Qaboos University, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
16 Pediatric Endocrine Unit, Department of Child Health, University Medical City, Al-Khoud, Sultanate of Oman.
Head of Hematology Department, Hamad Medical Corporation, Professor of
Hematology, College of Medicine, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar.
18 Department of Pediatric Division of Endocrinology, Hamad General Hospital, Doha, Qatar.
19 Hemal’s Thalassaemia Unit, Colombo North Teaching Hospital, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
20 University of Health Sciences, Antalya Training and Research Hospital, Hematology Department, Antalya, Turkey.
21 University of Health Sciences, Antalya Training and Research Hospital, Endocrinology Department, Antalya, Turkey.
22 University of Health Sciences, Antalya Training and Research Hospital, Pediatric Endocrinology, Antalya, Turkey.
23 Hacettepe University, Department of Pediatric Hematology, Ankara, Turkey.
University of Health Sciences, Dr Behçet Children's Diseases and
Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Pediatric Hematology and
Oncology Unit, Izmir, Turkey.
25 University of Health
Sciences Adana City Training and Research Hospital, Department of
Pediatric Hematology-Oncology, Adana, Turkey.
26 Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Thalassemia Center, Istanbul, Turkey.
27 Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Istanbul, Turkey.
28 Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology, Istanbul, Turkey.
29 Pediatric Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
30 Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, Whittington Hospital, University College London, London, UK.
Correspondence to: Vincenzo
De Sanctis, Coordinator of ICET-A Network (International Network of
Clinicians for Endocrinopathies in Thalassemia and Adolescent Medicine)
and Pediatric and Adolescent Outpatient Clinic, Quisisana Hospital,
Ferrara, Italy. Tel: +39 3284852374. E-mail:
Published: January 01, 2025
Received: November 28, 2024
Accepted: December 16, 2024
Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2025, 17(1): e2025008 DOI
This is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Current
guidelines for screening glucose dysregulation (GD) in patients with
transfusion-dependent thalassemia (TDT) recommend an annual 2-hour oral
glucose tolerance test (OGTT) starting at the age of 10 years. Objective: Assessment of adherence to OGTT screening in patients with
TDT. Methods: A
questionnaire was distributed to 18 Thalassemia Centers in 10 different
countries, targeting factors influencing adherence to annual OGTT
screening in specialized multidisciplinary pediatric and adult TDT
units and identifying strategies to improve adherence to OGTT in TDT
patients. Results: The
mean reported percentage of all types of GD across 16 of the 18 centers
at the last OGTT assessment was 32.0%, while the mean percentage for
thalassemia-related diabetes mellitus (Th-RDM) was 12.2 ± 9.7% (range:
0% - 41%; median:13.2%) in all participating centers. Notably, a high
percentage of suboptimal or poor adherence to annual OGTT screening
(mean 41.3%; range 10-90%) was reported by 17/18 centers. Poor
adherence to annual OGTT among eligible patients was multifactorial and
related to both patients and the healthcare system barriers. The most
commonly suggested actions by hematologists and endocrinologists for
improving the adherence to OGTT were flexibility in timing, easy
approach to test location, improved collaboration among team members,
and persistent reminding. Conclusions: Young
adult patients with TDT are at high risk for developing GD and Th-RDM.
Thus, annual screening with a 2-hour OGTT is recommended. Nevertheless,
several patient barriers are associated with low adherence to annual
OGTT. It is desirable to develop intensive initiatives to improve the
screening rate for GD, while studies are warranted to update the
current guidelines in TDT patients with low-risk factors for GD and for
countries with low-resource settings.
thalassemia (TDT) refers to those patients who require regular blood
transfusions for survival from very early childhood; they are, as a
rule, specific for a population and include patients with severe
genotypes and phenotypes, e.g., β0/β0, β0/β+, β+/β+.[1]
With the optimization of regular lifelong blood transfusions, iron
chelation regimens, and the availability of new imaging techniques that
allow assessment of iron overload (IOL) in several organs (mainly
heart, liver, and pancreas), TDT has changed from a pediatric disease
with poor life expectancy to a chronic disease with an open-ended
prognosis.[1] Nevertheless, the increase in life
expectancy of patients with TDT has come with new comorbidities,
particularly involving glucose metabolism.[2,3]
is typically characterized by impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and/or
impaired glucose tolerance (IGT).[4] Although diabetes mellitus (DM) in
TDT patients has many similarities with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM)
and a few with diabetes Type 1, the diabetes of thalassemia is distinct
and is defined as thalassemia related diabetes mellitus (Th-RDM); it
has a unique pathophysiology related to iron overload of pancreas,
involving anomalies in insulin secretion and peripheral insulin
resistance, necessitating a specialized management with various
outcomes and monitoring.[5] Moreover, the risk for
developing Th-RDM is also positively related to age, body mass index,
genetic, environmental, and ethnic characteristics. These factors lead
to great variability in following the measurement of progression from
prediabetes to diabetes, depending on the criteria of the study
surveillance is crucial, as the onset of glucose dysregulation (GD) is
often insidious and preceded by a prolonged period of progressive
decline of insulin secretion. Although determining the optimal method
for early identification of TDT patients at risk for deteriorating
glucose homeostasis remains challenging, current standards of care
guidelines recommend annual 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
screening, starting at the age of 10 years.[6]
However, the exact frequency of screening for diabetes in clinical
practice is unknown because there are no robust real-world data to rely
on for the determination of an optimal screening frequency.
OGTT should be performed after a minimum 8-hour fasting period, with
plasma glucose (PG) samples collected before and 2 hours after
ingesting a standardized glucose load (1.75 g/kg, up to a maximum of 75
g) within a 5-minute interval.[6] Despite OGTT being
generally considered the “gold standard” in the diagnosis of diabetes,
it is associated with several drawbacks (high burden for patients and
healthcare teams, reliance on patients fasting for the correct time),
and it is influenced by several pre-analytical and analytical factors
(duration of fasting prior to OGTT, glucose load, blood specimen used
for diagnosis, blood tubes collection and analytical method).[7]
is ongoing research to improve the consistency and quality of
information derived from OGTT. It analyzes whether a 1-h PG value equal
to or exceeding 155 mg/dL could be an adjunctive or alternative
diagnostic marker for identifying early glucose dysregulation
associated with lower insulin sensitivity and impaired β-cell function,
even in those with normal glucose tolerance (NGT).[8,9]
It is yet unknown, and needs to be prospectively evaluated, whether
impairments in β-cell function determine the rate of progression to
overt diabetes. Additionally, multiple timepoint OGTT sampling,
assessing PG and insulin secretion every 30 minutes over the course of
OGTT, may estimate β-cell secretion and insulin sensitivity in the
early natural history of GD.[8,10]
summary, early diagnosis of GD is essential for the timely
identification of high-risk TDT patients who may benefit from intensive
iron chelation therapy, lifestyle modification, and, in selected cases,
pharmacotherapy. It is crucial in view of the difficulty in reversing
pancreatic iron load and GD.[5,9]
on adherence rates to recommended OGTTs are rare and limited to cystic
fibrosis, overweight/obese patients, and pregnant women.[11-13]
Studies specifically focused on adherence rates to OGTTs in individuals
with thalassemias are indeed rare. The existing literature primarily
addresses the prevalence of abnormal glucose tolerance in
transfusion-dependent β-thalassemic patients and factors that may
contribute to diabetes in these patients, such as age, effective
transfusion regimen, splenectomy, serum ferritin levels, chronic liver
disease, associated endocrine complications, overweight/obesity and
compliance with iron-chelation therapy. While guidelines for the
management of transfusion-dependent thalassemia mention non-adherence
to chelation therapy, they do not specifically address OGTT adherence.[14]
objective of this multicenter ICET-A network study survey was to
collect information from expert clinicians caring for patients with TDT
on factors influencing the adherence to OGTT screening in subjects
followed in specialized, multidisciplinary, pediatric, and adult
Thalassemia Units in order to identify factors improving adherence and
implications of OGTT for clinical practice.
Material and
Questionnaire survey design. In June 2024, the Coordinator (VDS) of the International Network of Clinicians for Endocrinopathies
in Thalassemia and Adolescent Medicine (ICET-A) formulated a
questionnaire survey on adherence to OGTT screening based on
international recommendations in specialized multidisciplinary
pediatric and adult TDT units.[6] The inclusion
criteria for the study were patients with TDT above the age of 10
years, regardless of the degree of iron overload and/or associated
endocrine complications. The exclusion criteria included (a) the
presence of patients with hemoglobinopathies other than TDT, (b)
patients who had undergone bone marrow transplantation, and (c) TDT
patients with chronic illnesses like chronic renal failure, active HCV,
and HIV infection. Physicians were asked to provide contact information
and data about their participating centers. Non-adherence to annual
OGTT was defined as failure to undergo diagnostic OGTT screening as
recommended by current guidelines and/or based on the clinician’s
judgment (first step).
questionnaire, revised and approved by the ICET-A Steering Committee
(including ATS and PT), consisted of five sections: (a) study
population, OGTT screening, and criteria for defining GD and DM, number
of patients with GD [isolated- IFG, isolated- IGT, or both, (optional)] and Th-RDM (mandatory);
(b) patient barriers to OGTT screening; (c) major difficulties reported
by patients during OGTT; (d) suggested actions for improving adherence
to OGTT; and (e) alternative tests to OGTT suggested by clinicians for
supplementing the screening of GD.
The questionnaire survey
comprised 25 questions, including single-choice, multiple-choice, and
descriptive answers, organized according to the five sections covering
various aspects of glucose homeostasis and OGTT screening in TDT
patients. Forty-two items were assessed using simple numeric rating
scores, like a 5-point Likert scale. The rating of the assessments was
based on the clinical judgment of expert clinicians from 0 to 10: very
light interest = 1-2; light interest = 3-4; medium interest = 5-6;
relevant interest = 7, and very relevant interest = 8-10. This
straightforward approach was selected because it was considered quick,
inexpensive, and convenient for capturing clinicians' expertise and
perceptions in different fields.[15,16] The questionnaire survey is available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
clinicians working in the specialized multidisciplinary care units for
thalassemias were invited to participate via email, regardless of their
affiliation with the ICET-A Network. The questionnaire was sent online,
followed by two reminders for the centers that had yet to respond to
the ICET-A invitation. The deadline for submitting the completed
questionnaires was set for the end of August 2024 (second step).
the survey, the participating centers were asked to verify the accuracy
of the information included in the preliminary manuscript draft, which
was regularly updated during the initial data analysis (third step).
Subsequently, the participating centers were formally requested to
review the first version of the manuscript and contribute to the
preparation of its final version (last step).
Data presentation.
The data are mainly presented as numerical values, percentages, means,
medians, and ranges. For the preparation of tables, we arbitrarily used
the highest experts' reported scores from 8 to 10. The chi-square (χ2)
test was applied to compare the frequencies of qualitative variables
across different groups.
Ethics. All procedures were in accordance with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments, October 2013 (
The local Ethics Committee approvals were waived for this study, as no
identifiable private information was collected, and an anonymized
dataset was analyzed.
a. Survey response rate.
The survey received responses from a total of 18 centers from 10
different countries. The response rate of ICET-A Centers was higher
(8/10, 80%) compared to invited Centers who were not part of the ICET-A
Network (8/20, 40%; χ2 two-tailed: P: 0.038)
Details on the distribution of responses in different countries and number of Centers participating in the survey are given in Table 1.
- Table 1.
Study cohorts of transfusion-dependent thalassemia patients (TDT) above
the age of 10 years in different countries: modalities related to the
last oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) screening, patients' adherence
to screening (%), and criteria used to identify dysregulation (GD) and
diabetes mellitus.
b. Centers’ characteristics.
13 out of 18 centers (72,2%) are affiliated with an academic
institution. All centers provide care for children (13%, below 10
years), as well as for adolescents and adults (87%). The total number
of TDT patients followed in the participating centers was 3,382. Five
out of 18 centers (27.7%) followed less than 100 TDT patients. In 12
out of 18 centers (66.6%), TDT patients were referred to their
Endocrine and/or Diabetes clinic or to private biochemistry
laboratories for OGTT (Table 1 and Figure 1).
- Figure 1. Percentages of diabetes (Th-RDM) for each country and city.
c. Screening frequency and criteria used for GD.
Eight out of 18 centers (44.4%) offer annual OGTT screening to
patients, while 8 others (44.4%) provide it every 2–3 years. In 2
centers (11.1%), OGTT screening is provided only to selected patients
at high risk for GD, namely those with severe iron overload, obesity,
family history of diabetes, chronic liver disease, or a previous
history of impaired fasting plasma glucose and/or impaired glucose
tolerance). In 50% of TDT centers, PG levels were collected only at 0
and 120 minutes, while in the remaining centers, samples were collected
at additional intermediate time points (Table 1).
For performing OGTT, a ready-to-use prepared dextrose anhydrous
solution was used in 6 centers, and in the remaining centers, the
solution was prepared with anhydrous glucose in 250–300 ml of cold
d. Criteria used for the diagnosis of GD and clinician reported-rates of patients' adhesion to OGTT.
Glycemic status after a glucose load was classified by all
participating centers according to the contemporary criteria of the
American Diabetes Association (ADA).[4] The criteria of the
International Diabetes Federation Position Statement for diagnosing
hyperglycemia 1-hour post-load were used by 3 out of 18 centers
The mean total percentage of GD
reported by 16 out of 18 centers was 32.0% (range:3.3% - 93%; median:
23%), while the mean total percentage of reported Th-RDM was 12.2 ± 9.7
% (range: 0%-41%; median: 13.2 %) (Table1).
all centers reported a high percentage of poor adherence to OGTT
screening (mean 41.3%; range 10-90%) except one (100%), which followed
25 TDT patients (10 of whom were above the age of 10 years; Table 1).
e. Reported barriers to OGTT screening. Figures 2 and 3
summarize the main barriers to OGTT screening and the signs and
symptoms reported by the patients or clinicians during OGTT screening.
In 3 out of 6 centers using ready-to-use prepared dextrose anhydrous
solution, the patients expressed a preference for an alternative
diagnostic method to OGTT.
Figure 2. Patient's and/or clinician's reported barriers to OGTT screening in transfusion-dependent thalassemia patients (TDT). |
Figure 3. Signs and symptoms observed or reported during OGTT in transfusion-dependent thalassemia patients (TDT).
f. Actions suggested by clinicians for improving the adherence to OGTT.
Hematologists and endocrinologists' most common suggestions for
improving adherence to OGTT were flexibility in timing and choice of
location, improved collaboration among team members, and the
utilization of multiple reminder methods (Figure 4).
- Figure 4.
Actions suggested by clinicians of survey centers for improving the
adherence to OGTT in transfusion-dependent thalassemia (TDT)
g. Alternative strategies to OGTT screening suggested by clinicians.
Although current guidelines do not recommend alternatives to OGTT
testing, numerous approaches to finding a more tolerable option for TDT
patients with poor OGTT uptake were reported by hematologists and
endocrinologists. The commonest alternatives were: fasting fingerstick
glucose self-monitoring, non-fasting (random) fingerstick glucose
self-monitoring and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), although
current guidelines do not state specific cut-off values for CGM in
patients with TDT (Figure 5).
- Figure 5.
Clinicians have suggested alternative tests to OGTT to improve the
implementation of the screening of glucose dysregulation in TDT
current gold standard for GD screening is the 2- h OGTT (1.75 g
glucose/kg body weight, maximum 75 g) that is recommended annually in
all subjects with TDT starting at the age of 10 years. Despite its
effectiveness, OGTT has limitations; it is time-consuming,
laboratory-dependent, laborious, and poorly tolerated by some patients.[2,9]
These and other factors contribute to poor adherence to the annual OGTT
among eligible patients, including patient-related barriers and
healthcare system issues. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is commonly used
as an alternative test to the fasting plasma glucose and OGTT for the
identification of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) because it is easy to
obtain and represents long-term blood sugar levels. The current
interpretation of HbA1c values, which corresponds to the calculated
estimated glucose level, assumes that the red blood cell (RBC) lifespan
is the same for all patients. However, even modest variation in red
cell survival could have a significant impact on the HbA1c level. In
general, a shorter RBC life span would yield lower levels of HbA1c at a
given average whole blood glucose concentration than that of a normal
To the best of our knowledge, our
survey is the first not only to assess the adherence of individuals
with TDT to OGTT screening in specialized multidisciplinary pediatric
and adult thalassemia units but also to explore the contributing
factors. So far, and despite extensive efforts to communicate the value
of regular screening for GD to patients and the parents of children
with TDT, adherence to OGTT needs to improve even in developed
There are many reasons for
poor adherence to annual OGTT among eligible patients, including
patient-related barriers, such as: (a) age, (b) social status, (c)
insufficient awareness about the importance of screening, (d) prolonged
fasting period before OGTT; (e) separate appointment times; (f) poor
palatability and tolerance of oral glucose solution (such as intense
and unpleasant taste in drinking OGS);(g) difficulties in drinking the
oral glucose solution within 5-min; (h) nausea and gastric discomfort
during the OGTT test, and (i) additional costs for traveling and
testing (in some centers). Moreover, there are also systemic barriers
to the provision of optimal healthcare, including (a) separate and long
appointment times, (b) inadequate coordination between the referring
Centre and laboratory, and (c) limited flexibility in the timing and location of OGTT screening.
To overcome the barriers to
testing, especially for patients who are resistant to testing,
clinicians from different centers have proposed several interventions.
These include: (a) the regular use of reminder letters or phone calls,
with special emphasis on high-risk patients; (b) providing more
detailed explanations about the purpose of OGTT screening; and (c)
improving collaboration among team members (hematologists,
endocrinologists, diabetologists) and Thalassemia Associations.
is hoped that such collaboration and peer communication could improve
adherence rates and help patients and their families stay informed
about the latest advances and knowledge in the field of GD. However,
these strategies still need to be validated, and further studies are
needed to evaluate the efficacy of these methods for improving patient
compliance and to determine whether they could be generalized to other
Our survey has several limitations that should be
considered in the design of future studies. First, we developed a
non-tested questionnaire survey and adapted some existing items
specifically for TDT patients. Second, some of the questions in the
survey were guided questions with forced-choice answers. However,
free-text comments were collected to help mitigate this bias. Third,
our survey presents only a general view of GD in TDT patients, and we
did not determine the percentage of adherence to OGTT among specific
patients at high risk for GD. Finally, we did not interview patients or
parents of adolescents about their OGTT experience, which could have
provided additional insights for improving adherence and enhancing
patient comfort and overall satisfaction.
The survey has some
strong points, including being the first report focused on OGTT
adherence in children, adolescents, and adults with
transfusion-dependent thalassemia (TDT). It features a large patient
sample size and collects data from centers across multiple countries,
offering a diverse and comprehensive perspective through examining
extremely heterogeneous cohorts, especially in regard to age, severity
of phenotypes, and also of treatment with transfusion and chelation.
The questionnaire was specifically tailored to TDT patients, ensuring
the relevance and specificity of the data collected. Additionally, the
survey gathered insights from healthcare professionals, adding expert
perspectives on OGTT adherence and barriers. To further enrich the
data, the survey included opportunities for free-text comments, which
helped mitigate the bias of forced-choice answers and provided valuable
qualitative insights.
Future directions for clinical practice
should focus on determining the optimal OGTT screening intervals,
including whether 2- to 3-year intervals might be beneficial for
patients with good adherence to iron chelation therapy and normal OGTT
values (PG at 0, 1, and 2 hours).[18] Conversely,
shorter screening intervals might be advantageous for patients with
test values closer to the ADA cut-off levels. It is also desirable to
develop alternative, highly sensitive screening methods that are less
cumbersome than the OGTT.
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) or
postprandial monitoring through finger sticks may offer more acceptable
and effective methods for detecting glucose variations and intolerance
but could be even more cumbersome than OGTT, and further studies are
needed in this area to evaluate if abnormalities detected by CGM and
missed by OGTT have prognostic value for clinical outcomes, and if
patients benefit from treatment initiated based on CGM results.
data have been reported about the diagnostic role of HbA1c and
fructosamine in evaluating GD in β-TDT patients. Although the use of
HbA1c as a screening test for abnormalities of glucose homeostasis in
thalassemia appears to be less accurate,[6,19]
a recent study analyzed the role of HbA1c and fructosamine in children
with β-TDT and GD. Fructosamine was more specific compared to HbA1c in
detecting blood glucose intolerance and more sensitive for diagnosing
DM.[20] However, considering the limited evidence on
the diagnostic performance of these markers, further research is
necessary to define their cut-off values and exact role in the
diagnosis and management of TDT patients. Alternative methods of
glycaemic control should take into consideration if there is a
discrepancy between blood glucose and HbA1c.
In summary, although
identifying the optimal method for detecting patients at risk for
deterioration of glucose homeostasis remains challenging, the OGTT
currently remains the best and simplest method to assess glucose
homeostasis, compared to other methods, in patients with TDT.[5]
survey provides valuable insights into the current practices and
challenges associated with OGTT adherence among transfusion-dependent
thalassemia (TDT) patients across 18 international TDT centers. Despite
the recognized importance of OGTT in screening for glucose
dysregulation, adherence remains suboptimal due to a variety of
patient-related and systemic barriers. Future research should focus on
optimizing screening intervals and exploring novel technologies to
ensure early detection and intervention for glucose dysregulation in
this vulnerable population.
Authors' contributions
conceived and designed the study, distributed the survey to the ICET-A
Network and non-ICET-A members, analyzed the data, and drafted the
first version of the manuscript. IE supervised the study design, and
ATS prepared the original figures. DC, SD, CK, ATS, and PT critically
reviewed and edited the manuscript for relevant intellectual content.
All participating authors working in Thalassemia centers are the
guarantors of the data included in the manuscript and take full
responsibility for its content. All authors read and approved the final
version of the manuscript.
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