M.1, Ligia S.1, Laganà A.1, Assanto G. M.1, Gherardini M.1, Baldacci E.1, Santoro C.1 and Chistolini A.1.
1 Hematology, Department of Translational and Precision Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
Correspondence to:
Biglietto Mario M.D. Hematology, Department of Translational and
Precision Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. E-mail:
Published: March 01, 2025
Received: February 06, 2025
Accepted: February 13, 2025
Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2025, 17(1): e2025022 DOI
This is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
To the editor
thromboembolism (VTE) and Atrial Fibrillation (AF) are an important
cause of morbidity and increased mortality in cancer patients. Low
molecular weight heparin (LMWH) has represented the standard
anticoagulation in cancer patients for more than 15 years. Nowadays,
Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) are the mainstay for VTE and AF
treatment. However, onco-hematologic patients are poorly represented in
clinical trials due to their intrinsic increased risk of bleeding.[1-3]
Thus, poor data regarding DOACs' safety and efficacy in this setting
are available.
We performed a retrospective analysis on 228
oncohematologic patients treated with DOACs for AF or VTE in our center
between January 2012 and April 2024. DOAC therapy was started if
platelet count was > 50x109/L, creatinine clearance was≥ 15 mL/min,
and liver function was normal. DOAC dosage was adjusted for renal
function or body weight, as per guidelines.[4-5] DOACs were
administered at full dose for AF and for the acute phase of VTE, while
a low-dose (apixaban 2.5 mg twice daily or rivaroxaban 10 mg daily) was
administered as secondary prophylaxis of VTE in the extended-phase
treatment in patients with active onco-hematologic disease or
persistence of residual VTE, according to the previous experience of
our group.[6] Dabigatran was administered only in patients affected by
AF. After patients were started on DOAC, they were evaluated at 1, 3,
and 6 months; then, follow-up visits were performed every 6 months
until the eventual discontinuation of anticoagulation or if clinically
indicated. At these time points, the patients were evaluated for
complete blood count, liver and renal function, bleeding (B-AE), and
thrombotic (T-AE) adverse events. Bleeding complications were divided
into major (MB), clinically relevant non-major (CRNMB), and minor
bleeding as per International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis
(ISTH) guidelines.[7]
Patients’ characteristics are resumed in Table 1 and Table 2.
Table 1. Patients’ characteristics. |
Table 2. Anticancer therapies.
age at DOAC start was 68.6 years (range 23.3-92.8); 119 (52.2%)
patients were males, 109 (47.8%) females. Patients were affected by the
following onco-hematologic diseases: 70 (30.7%) JAK2-positive
myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN JAK2+), 59 (25.9%) NHL, 21 (9.2%)
chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), 21 (9.2%) MM, 17 (7.5%)
JAK2-negative myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN JAK2-), 11 (4.8%)
acute leukemia (AL), 10 (4.4%) HL, 10 (4.4%) myelodysplastic neoplasms
(MDS), 7 (3.1%) paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), 1 (0.4%)
aplastic anemia (AA), 1 (0.4%) heavy chain disease. Thirteen patients
(5.7%) had a history of solid cancer. One hundred fifty-seven patients
(68.9%) were concomitantly treated with DOACs and antineoplastic
therapy: 77 (33.8%) immunotherapy, target therapy or immunomodulant
agents, 57 (25%) chemotherapy or chemotherapy plus radiotherapy
(CHT/CHT+RT), 23 (10.1%) immunochemotherapy or immunochemotherapy plus
radiotherapy (iCHT/iCHT+RT). The reason for anticoagulation was VTE in
164 (71.9%) cases and AF in 64 (28.2%). The DOACs administered at full
dose were apixaban in 105 patients (46.1%), edoxaban in 63 (28.1%),
rivaroxaban in 53 (23.2%), dabigatran in 6 (2.6%). One hundred
twenty-one patients (54.3%) were switched to low-dose DOACs prophylaxis
after the acute phase of VTE (median 8.43 months, range 3-100.1): 72
(31.6%) low-dose apixaban and 49 (21.5%) low-dose rivaroxaban,
according to the previous experience of our group.[6] The median
follow-up of full-dose DOACs was 34 months (range 3.7-113.5); the
median follow-up during low-dose DOAC treatment was 15.5 months (range
3-97.4). The median EFS of the entire study population was 29.28 months
(range 0.1-143.93). At the beginning of treatment, the median cell
blood count values were: hemoglobin 12.9 g/dL (range 7.7-17.3), white
blood cells 6.2x109/L (range 0.830-380), platelets 223x109/L (55-1,200). During DOAC therapy, 28 patients reached a platelet count < 100 x109/L; among them, 10 reached platelet levels < 50x109/L
during the concomitant antineoplastic therapy (5 LNH, 3 MM, 1 MPN
JAK2-, 1 AL). In this latter group, 6 patients discontinued full dose
DOAC therapy, then were treated with LMWH (100 U/Kg/day) and, finally,
resumed DOAC therapy (5 at full- and 1 at low-dose) when platelets
count returned > 50 x109/L.
Among the other 4 patients, 3 permanently discontinued anticoagulation
(2 LNH, 1 AL) for persistent thrombocytopenia, and one affected by NHL
was switched to fondaparinux and never resumed DOACs therapy.
We have not observed significant variations in terms of transaminase levels or creatinine since DOACs started.
follow-up, 34 (14.9%) B-AEs [3 MBs (1.3%), 30 CRNMBs (13.2%) and 1
minor bleeding (0.4%)] and 9 (3.9%) T-AEs occurred, namely 5 B-AEs per
100 patient-years (0.4 MBs per 100 patient-years) and 1.4 T-AEs per 100
patient-years. Two patients had both a hemorrhagic and thrombotic event.
MBs were reported during full-dose therapy. One MB occurred in a
patient affected by AF (B-EFS 9.61 months) treated with apixaban and
was managed with a permanent switch to low-dose DOAC therapy.[6] A
second MB occurred in a VTE patient in therapy with rivaroxaban (B-EFS
0.92 months), who was also permanently switched to low-dose treatment.
The third MB was a cerebral hemorrhage, which occurred during full-dose
edoxaban therapy (B-EFS 13.02 months); anticoagulation was withheld for
14 days, then the patient was switched to LMWH and, finally, after 4
weeks, to low-dose rivaroxaban. Ten days later, he was diagnosed with a
pulmonary embolism (PE), and therapy with fondaparinux 7.5 mg was
started; after one year of fondaparinux and complete resolution of PE,
the therapy was switched to low-dose apixaban as secondary prophylaxis
of VTE.
Among the 30 patients who developed CRNMBs, 2 (0.9%)
permanently discontinued DOAC therapy for persistent gastrointestinal
bleeding and were switched to LMWH; one of them suffered from chronic
inflammatory bowel disease.
One minor B-AE, a conjunctival
hemorrhage, was reported in a patient during low-dose apixaban, and it
was managed with a temporary therapy discontinuation for two days.
T-AEs, eight cases were of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and one
pulmonary embolism (PE). Six cases (2.6%) occurred in patients treated
with full-dose DOACs (1 for AF and 5 for a previous VTE event) and 3
cases (1.3%) during secondary antithrombotic prophylaxis with low-dose
DOACs. After T-AE diagnosis, the patient with AF was switched from
edoxaban 60 mg daily to dabigatran 150 mg twice a day. Among the 5
patients treated with full-dose DOACs for a previous VTE, 2 were
switched to acenocoumarol, and 3 were temporarily switched to LMWH 100
UI/kg twice daily. After one month of LMWH, full-dose therapy with a
different DOAC was resumed. Among the 3 patients with T-AEs during
secondary prophylaxis with low-dose DOACs, 2 were switched to full-dose
of the same DOAC, and the other one, in consideration of the previously
mentioned cerebral hemorrhage, was permanently switched to fondaparinux.
chi-square analysis, there was no statistically significative
difference between patients treated with DOACs for AF or VTE (p=0.16),
neither between patients with different oncohematologic diseases in
terms of AEs (p=0.36), B-AEs (p=0.94)or T-AEs (p=0.84).
In our
cohort, the rate of VTE recurrences (3.9%) and major bleeding
complications (1.3%) were comparable to those of the pivotal clinical
trials on the use of DOACs in cancer patients: a VTE recurrence rate of
4.5% was reported in the Select-D trial, in the Hokusay-VTE Cancer
trial the rate was 7.9% and in the Caravaggio trial 5.6%. MBs rate was
4% in the Select-D trial, 6.9% in the Hokusay-VTE Cancer trial, and
3.8% in the Caravaggio trial[1-3] (Figure 1).
- Figure 1. Indirect comparison between our cohort and pivotal clinical trials.
principal limitation of our analysis is that, due to the sample size, a
study by disease subgroups is not possible, considering the different
thrombotic and hemorrhagic risks of onco-hematological diseases (e.g.,
MPN and AL).
Henceforth, with the limits of a retrospective
analysis, DOACs for secondary prophylaxis of VTE, prevention of stroke
and systemic thromboembolism in AF, and VTE therapy seem safe and
effective in the once-hematologic setting.
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