Biglietto M.1, Mormile R.1, Totaro M.1, Bisegna M.L.1, Santoro C.1 and Chistolini A.1.
1 Hematology, Department of Translational and Precision Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Correspondence to:
Biglietto Mario M.D. Hematology, Department of Translational and
Precision Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. E-mail:
Published: March 01, 2025
Received: December 29, 2024
Accepted: February 08, 2025
Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2025, 17(1): e2025019 DOI
This is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
To the editor
oral anticoagulants (DOACs) are the gold standard for anticoagulation
in most settings. Clinical trials did not include laboratory
monitoring, as the favorable pharmacokinetic profile suggested an
advantage in management compared to dicumarols. However, in some
clinical situations, such as recurrent venous thromboembolism (VTE),
bleeding complications during DOAC therapy, or suspected
pharmacological interactions/malabsorption, it may be useful to assess
their activity or plasmatic levels through laboratory testing.
available assays measuring FXa inhibition by DOACs and heparins are all
based on the same principle. However, they use different calibration
curves to convert activity into concentration, meaning they are
drug-specific. Therefore, the development of a standardized assay for
all anti-FXa drugs is warranted.[1]
There are many recommendations regarding the laboratory assessment of DOACs,[2-6] but there is no consensus on the optimal timing for such evaluations.
conducted a retrospective analysis of anti-factor Xa activity assays
conducted at peak and trough plasma levels of DOACs at our center
between Jan 1, 2023, and Aug 31, 2024, with the aim of evaluating the
clinical utility of these assessments.
According to Italian
consensus guidelines, the anti-factor Xa activity assays were performed
with an anti-FXa chromogenic assay using Siemens reagents and certified
Eighty-one patients were
evaluated: the reason for anticoagulation was secondary prophylaxis of
VTE with low dose DOACs in 34 (42%) cases, long-term treatment of VTE
over six months with full dose DOACs in 24 (29.6%) cases, acute
treatment of VTE in 11 (13.6%) cases and Atrial Fibrillation in 11
(13.6%) cases. Forty-seven patients (58%) were in treatment with
Apixaban, 27 (33.3%) with Rivaroxaban and 7 (8.6%) with Edoxaban. No
patient resulted positive for anti-phospholipids antibodies. None of
the patients required a dose adjustment based on creatinine clearance
or weight.
Forty-nine (60.5%) assays were performed for a suspect
of pharmacological interactions, 22 (27.2%) for VTE recurrence during
anticoagulation, 8 (9.9%) for clinical relevant non-major bleeding
events (CRNMBs) during DOACs therapy, 2 (2.5%) for suspect of
malabsorption. As concomitant medications, we have considered the
following classes of drugs: chemotherapy, immunotherapy,
antiepileptics, tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI), and antifungals.
Fourteen (17.3%) patients were in treatment with antiepileptics, 13
(16%) with TKI, 8 (9.9%) with immunotherapy and 3 (3.7%) with
The anti-Xa factor activity was within the
therapeutic range in 71 patients (87.7%), while it was out of range in
10 patients (12.3%). Of these 10 patients, 6 (7.4%) had values above
the therapeutic range, and 4 (4.9%) had values below the range. Among
the 10 patients with out-of-range results, 6 (7.4%) underwent the assay
due to suspected pharmacokinetic alterations without thrombotic or
bleeding adverse events, 2 (2.5%) due to bleeding events during DOAC
therapy, and 2 (2.5%) due to thrombotic events during DOAC therapy.
anticoagulation regimen was modified based on the assay results in
these 10 cases. The assay was repeated after the switch in 7 patients
(8.6%), and it resulted in a range.
During a median follow-up of
6.1 months (range 0-18.6 months) after the anti-Xa factor activity
assay, we observed 4 (4.9%) bleeding adverse events (B-AEs) and 3
(3.7%) thrombotic (T-AEs).
Three B-AEs occurred in patients who
underwent the assay for suspected pharmacological interactions and 1 in
a patient who underwent the assay for a CRNMB. All four B-AEs were
classified as minor according to ISTH guidelines.[7]
They occurred in three patients receiving Apixaban 2.5 mg twice daily
for secondary VTE prophylaxis and in one patient treated with Edoxaban
60 mg daily for acute-phase VTE. Anti-Xa activity levels were within
the therapeutic range, and no adjustments were made to their treatment
The three T-AEs occurred during long-term treatment of
VTE in patients who underwent the anti-Xa activity assay for VTE
recurrence. One T-AE was observed in a patient receiving Apixaban 5 mg
twice daily with anti-Xa factor activity in the range: he was switched
to Enoxaparin 100 UI/Kg twice daily for one month and then to
Rivaroxaban 20 mg daily. Two cases of T-AEs were reported in patients
in therapy with Apixaban 5 mg twice daily and anti-Xa factor activity
within the therapeutic range. These patients were switched to
Fondaparinux 7.5 mg/day and did not resume treatment with DOACs.
our experience, the anti-Xa factor activity assay was performed mainly
for pharmacokinetic reasons (63%), mostly because of the large number
of onco-hematologic patients in our center. In particular, in our
cohort, two patients in treatment with TKI, one undergoing
chemoimmunotherapy for onco-hematologic diseases, and three treated
with immunotherapy for autoimmune diseases had out-of-range anti-Xa
factor activity: none of these patients experienced T-AEs or B-AEs
after the adjustment of their anticoagulation regimen.
conclusion, more data is available regarding the utility of DOACs
laboratory monitoring: one example is the recently published experience
of the MAS study group[8-9] in the setting of AF.
However, poor data are available regarding pharmacological
interactions, and multicentric prospective clinical trials are needed.
- Table 1. Patients’ characteristics and clinical decisions based on anti-factor Xa activity assays.
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