Katia Paciaroni1, Selenia Campagna1, Nicoletta Villiva1, Enrico Maffini2, Francesca Celesti1, Attilio Tordi1, Mariangela Lombardi3, Giulia Dragonetti1 and Tommaso Caravita di Toritto1.
1 UOSD Ematologia, ASL RM1, Roma, Italy.
2 IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
3 UOC di Anatomia Patologica, Ospedale S. Filippo Neri, Roma Italy.
Published: March 01, 2025
Received: February 06, 2025
Accepted: February 13, 2025
Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2025, 17(1): e2025023 DOI
This is an Open Access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
To the editor
neoplasms (MPNs) are clonal hematopoietic stem cell disorders caused by
somatic mutations in the genes involved in the tyrosine kinase
alterations, which activate signaling pathways leading to the expansion
of myeloid cells. According to the different clinical and morphological
features and the genetic aberrations reported in the WHO
classification,[1] the MPNs are classified into
Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome-positive chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
and Ph-negative MPNs (polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia,
primary myelofibrosis (PMF). The affected genes include the BCR-ABL1 in
CML and JAK2/CALR/MPL mutations in Ph-negative MPNs. Although these
molecular aberrations are usually considered mutually exclusive, the
co-expression of BCR-ABL1 translocation and JAK2/CALR mutation has been
reported in several case reports (recently reviewed by Zanelli et al.),[2]
and its contribution to the clinicopathologic phenotype is still
unclear. Based on the time, the two genetic alterations may be
identified simultaneously, or BCR-ABL1 translocation may be acquired
after a long history of Ph-negative MPNs ( median latency 9 years), or
finally, Jak 2/Calr MPN may be subsequently detected in previously
diagnosed CML (median latency 5.4 years).[3] Indeed,
when Ph+ CML is present in conjunction with Ph-negative MPN, it plays a
dominant role, so patients usually receive treatment with only tyrosine
kinase inhibitor (TKI).[2] The second Ph-negative MPN
is initially cryptic and becomes evident under the selective pressure
of the TKI treatment, with progression to myelofibrosis reflecting an
impact of clonal competition between the 2 MPNs and providing a
rationale for combination treatment.2-5 The availability of kinase
inhibitors to target the two driver kinases, TKI for LMC and
Ruxolitinib for patients with PMF, opens the question of whether the
two-drug association represents an optimal therapeutic strategy in
terms of feasibility, safety and tolerance. Starting from the
presentation of a case that we have diagnosed and treated, we conducted
a systematic review of the topic.
A 55–year–old man was referred to our center in 2019 because of splenomegaly, leucocytosis (white count cells 14.580/mm3), mild thrombocytosis (Platelets 451000/mm3),
and increase of Lactate dehydrogenase. Cytogenetic analyses revealed
the Caryotype 46, XY, t(9;22)(q34;q11.2)[4]/46, XY, and the molecular
study documented concurrent BCR-ABL rearrangement (b3a2 and b2a2) and
Jak-V617F mutation. The bone marrow (BM) was hypercellular with myeloid
and megakaryocytic proliferation and a mild increase in reticulin
fibrosis (grade 1). The clinicopathologic features of the patient are
reported in Table 1. According
to WHO, the double diagnosis of CML and Early Myelofibrosis was made.
Consequently, Dasatinib therapy was started at 100 mg daily, associated
with aspirin once daily. Deep molecular response (DMR) (MR 5.0) was
achieved at 6 months and was associated with the normal size of the
spleen and cell count. In March 2023, despite DMR during Dasatinib
treatment, splenomegaly and persistent moderate anemia were documented.
A new BM documented a significant increase in fibrosis (grade 3) with
evolution to PMF in the advanced phase (Figure 1). The cytogenetic analysis showed del(20), and next-generation sequencing (NGS) detected several mutations (Table 1).
The patient was classified as DIPSS grade 1, MIPSS70-plus version 2.0
high-risk MF and, consequently, a candidate for allogeneic stem cell
transplant (SCT). In the meantime, in June 2023, Ruxolitinib was
started at the dose of 15 mg twice. Dasatinib was maintained at a
lowered dosage (50 mg/die) to manage the association and toxicity of
the two drugs. During the 6 months of combination therapy, no
hematological toxicity was noticed, and the DRM was maintained. In
January 2024, the patient received SCT from an HLA-matched unrelated
donor, obtaining a complete donor cell engraftment and complete
Table 1. Summary of clinicopathologic features of the patient with the co-expression of BCR-ABL1 translocation and JAK2 mutation. |
Figure 1
to August 2024, a systematic PubMed search for publications in English
allowed us to identify 87 cases with double aberrations and clinically
relevant MPNs. So far, only 13 cases (present one included) of
coexistence of Ph+CML and Ph-negative MPN disease were treated with an
association of TKIs and Ruxolitinib (Table 2).
Out of them, nine initially presented with Ph-negative MPN preceding
CML (range 2.5-19 years following the first diagnosis, median 7 years).
The CML preceded Ph-negative MPNs in 3 of the 13 cases (range 6-29
months, median 12 months) during TKI treatment. Only in one case the
CML and Ph-negative MPN were concomitant. At the time of the second
presentation, the NGS detected several additional genetic aberrations
in 4 of the 5 patients with NGS data available.
- Table 2.
Combination therapy of tyrosine kinase inhibitors and the Jak 2
inhibitor (Ruxolitinib) in patients with concurrent Jak2/Calr-positive
Myeloproliferative disorder and Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia (CML).
most cases (11/13), the ruxolitinib was associated with ongoing TKI. In
all eight patients with available data, the dosage of the TKI and
Ruxolitinib was lowered to manage the hematological toxicity. In
particular, when both drugs were prescribed at full dosage,
discontinuation was necessary (cases 2 and 12). On the other hand, when
one of the two drugs was administered at a lowered dosage, an extra
adjustment was required (cases 1,3,5,7,8). In our case, no more
adjustment of dosage was necessary, probably because we initially
prescribed a lower dose of both drugs. Out of the hematological
toxicity, no other one was reported. Note that CML is rather easy to
control; however, seven patients out of 13 on combination treatment
underwent STC treatment in most cases because of the progression of
To date, kinase inhibitors are able to target
the 2 driver kinases and to treat both MPNs are available, even if with
different efficacy. Imatinib, the first TKI approved by the FDA in
2001, represents a milestone in CML therapy, and with the
new-generation TKIs has revolutionized the treatment of CML patients,
producing a molecular remission in most of case. Jak 1/JAK2 inhibitor
Ruxolitinib is the first-in-class drug for molecular targeted therapy
of intermediate and high-risk MF but with a modest effect on the
evolution of the disease. Given the coexistence of two driver mutations
in some patients and the availability of two target drugs, it is
pivotal to understand the relative contribution of BCR-ABL1 and mutant
JAK2/CALR in determining the clinicopathologic phenotype. In this
regard, numerous prior reports have questioned the clonal composition
of MPN harboring both Ph+ and Ph- driver mutations, with some studies
favoring the presence of two independent clones and others supporting
the hypothesis that the two genetic events occur in the same clones.[3,6]
It is clear from prior studies that each of these proposed theories is
possible, but the presence of two independent clones seems to represent
the more common event.[2-5] The clinical presentation
of two genetic aberrations may vary, being CML and Ph-negative MPN
alternatively detecting them first or during the treatment. To date,
the current scientific literature reports fewer than a hundred cases
with clinically relevant coexistence of dual MPNs2
and shows that Ph+ CML seems to play a clinically dominant role
compared with the co-expressed Ph-negative clone. Consequently,
patients often received a TKI only. CML is rather easy to manage, with
an overall good response to different types of TKIs in most patients;
however, an opposite growth of Ph+ CML and Ph-MPN clones was often
observed under TKI treatment. The control of Ph+ clone by TKI therapy
could unmask the second Ph-negative MPN phenotype with a propensity to
accelerate the fibrosis (the median latency is 5.4 years when CML
preceding Ph-negative MPN vs 9 years when Ph-negative MPN preceding
CML) and supports the theory that the two clones are not only
independent and unrelated but could also compete with each other and
provide a rationale for combination treatment.[7-9]
Because of the rarity of the condition, standardized treatment for dual
MPN has not been established. Our systematic review allowed to
highlight 13 cases with co-occurrence of two driver mutations
associated with clinically relevant MPNs and treated with a combination
of both classes of drugs, TKI and Ruxolitinib. The use of “combination
therapy” was demonstrated to be feasible and safe but required an
adjustment in the dosage of both
drugs to control the hematological toxicity and avoid
discontinuation. Moreover, although the TKI are very effective for CML,
the jak1/jak2 inhibitors are not similarly active to target Ph-
negative clone. Thus, although one component of the patient’s disease
may be adequately treated, the second genetic alteration may not be. In
addition, at the time of the second MPN diagnosis, the cytogenetic
analysis and NGS may often detect additional somatic mutations, which
are associated with high genetic instability and predict poor survival
due to MPN-Ph negative disease. Indeed, most of the patients treated by
the two-drug association also received SCT due to anticipated poor
survival associated with the progression of myelofibrosis MPN-Ph
negative disease.[2,11]
conclusion, the data suggests that patients with concurrent Ph+ CML and
Ph-MPN disease may have genetic instability and a tendency to develop
progression of fibrosis with an unpredictable and poor outcome. The use
of combination therapy with TKI and Ruxolitinib for the treatment of
these patients is feasible and safe after a dosage adjustment of both
drugs to avoid pharmacology toxicity. However, Ruxolitinb is effective
to reduce the spleen volume but not to prevent the fibrosis
progression threrefore in association with TKI it could represent a
possible bridge to allogeneic transplant.
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