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Acute Leukemia, Leukocyte count, mean platelet volume(MPV), Anorectal Pathologies
Introduction. Patients with leukaemia are exposed to infections as long as they are neutropenic. During this period, anorectal pathologies are among the common foci of infection with high mortality. We aimed in this study to investigate the factors that may have a predictive effect for early diagnosis and rapid intervention in perianal complications occurring in neutropenic patients diagnosed with leukaemia.
Materials and Methods. A total of 90 patients with acute leukaemia, including 45 patients with anorectal pathology and 45 patients without anorectal pathology, were analysed. Demographics, blood group, BMI, haemogram and biochemical parameters at the time of diagnosis, types of perianal pathology were recorded.
Results. In the group of patients with anorectal pathology, WBC, lymphocytes, monocytes, LDH were significantly (p<0.05) higher and platelets, MPV, PCT were significantly (p<0.05) lower.
The multivariate model showed significant-independent (p<0.05) efficacy of WBC and MPV values in differentiating patients with and without anorectal pathology. A significant efficacy was observed at the WBC cut off of 17000 [area under the curve 0.656 (0.542-0.770)] and at the MPV cut off of 10 [area under the curve 0.667 (0.554-0.780)] in differentiating patients with and without anorectal pathology.
Discussion. Anorectal pathologies are common foci of infection in patients with acute leukaemia. Having predictive parameters that may help for early intervention will help the clinician. This is the first study in the literature comparing a control group and a group with anorectal pathologies in leukaemia patients and providing a cut-off for WBC.
Abstract 863
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